
Titanic 2: The Sinkening.

True Lies is a movie that tends to hold up over the years.

The humans?

"ugh, milk breath."

who buys DVDs?

All the episodes are infinitely re-watchable, but that one may be the singular one I have watched multiple times in a row. And laughed just as hard every single time.

Having been reading the Onion for at least 18 years and the AVC, both back when it was only print and since it's been online, I'd say that ship sailed a long time ago. Methinks this brazen slap in the face (this should indeed incite a national uproar!) to all Judeo-Christian believers out there is hardly anything new

If you care to be literal, then he is the only son of God…but not Mary.

I'm gonna go take my precious snowflakes and myself somewhere else. Lord only knows sarcasm and facetiousness are not hallmarks of the AVC, and heaven forbid any stepping on the precious sensibilities of those that find an articles -title- to be out of order with their sensitivities.

I give this comment a C-

Nah, that's not gonna happen.

I'm willing to say she's gonna be back…

to say that this is the best episode of Ash vs. Evil Dead is putting it mildly. Holy Crap. Everything from the set up to just…well, everything. A case point in where you do it right when resurrecting a beloved series. Do it right, Netflix, Amazon, Starz, whoever!! This is how you do it.

Oh really?

I can honestly say that I have no interest whatsoever in this, and am trying to figure out to what particular demographic this film would appeal.


Hey now, the jury is still out on Four Rooms!!!

I shit thee not.

A bit too close to home, perhaps?

If they're fucking hats, they may be doing it wrong.