
Your door is ajar…your door is ajar…you door is ajar…

I appreciate how Teti compares this football idiocy to Bush II and the incredible loss of lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. Because they are definitely on the same "playing field".

I appreciate the bait and switch that Teti applies here throughout the entire article. Was this really as bad as sexual harassment or abuse? No. But does it tarnish the entire game and even the championship?

Only when Game of Thrones is airing…


…with the door closed.

"Blood and Concrete: A Love Story" is the first movie I ever saw him in, def a precursor to Tarantino, and just a fun time straight from that weird late '80s-early '90s period where things and movies were just…bizarre.

That team up north sucks.

I'm not the biggest MJ fan but that is easily my most favorite of his. Possibly the only one where he's being completely honest yet self depricating at the same time. The video makes this so clear it's almost not funny.

Is "calibration" what it's called now?

Can we do both?

I'll get on that fanfic pronto!!!

"But that would require Canada taking responsibility for Justin Bieber, something it’s been reluctant to do for years."

If you're beating it to Fred/George fanfic you're doing it wrong…

Boxes in the attic. Also used as door stops. Applicable to Peoples Choice Awards also.

It would help if you spray painted that on a few walls.

That's what she said.

I'm actually mildly intrigued and look forward to seeing this. Sounds like a good watch and possible cult classic ten years down the road.

I'm inclined to watch this if only because Garland does have interesting ideas and the way they are brought to the screen is usually worth my time. Even if they end up falling apart at the end (28 Days really was just The Beach done over with zombies).

Cars have nothing to do with it…