
I can honestly say that I am surprised and amazed about quite a few on this final list. I mean, I liked Scott Pilgrim and all, but I'm not thinking top 20.

Do you really want to find out?!?

That's what she said…

Dammit, that's Survivor!!!

Are we still doing this? And why not?

Good Lord. It's like the '80s never died.

Evidence he's still alive!!!

Hate to say it but this actually doesn't look bad.

Yeah, but it's silent…

Are we really gonna bring up that discussion again?

That is why animation is priceless. The look on both their faces…perfect

It's a double deuce.

Like that's a surprise!!! A two parter!!!

As has been mentioned a few times before, Archer is descending into Skinemax just slowly enough that censors and FX will never notice.

Everybody in Hollywood and England apparently.

Eh, not so much, but "Running up That Hill", sure. A message to God for sure.

"The Selfie of Dorian Gray" was one of the only good parts of "The League of Extrodinary Gentlemen".

She's one of those actors that I look for yet get lost in because of their part. And then end up wondering who it was that I just saw and loved.

I may have skipped over it at the end, but while "Sea of Love" was mentioned…

Um, aren't we all here?