
The bigger question is what the hell happened? Seems like she just disappeared.

Way too easy!

I like Aerosmith for the most part, but "What it Takes" is the song that I'll always sing along with. It's latter day (considering it's at least 25 years old now) but one of their best songs. Sums up so many relationships. "Tell me you're happy on your own/tell me happy you're being alone".

Time to face the Music…

The dingo ate my baby!!

This is easily the worst review of bobs I've ever read here. Cat dragons? Come on!!! And they rode cats into the castle? My voice is h John Benjamin saying that

Just be yourself. Don't over think it. Chill out and don't fuck it up.

Go on…

The marked out reminds me of the last time I came while inside. Thx!!!

Oddly a friend just spawned again and the name he and his wife chose was Jaxson. Being unique is actually using the traditional spelling anymore FYI.

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it, especially since I hadn't heard about it at all. The pilot did essentially cover half the book in an hour but it was picked up (do a search here, there's some news wire about it) but it really set a great tone and sense of place. And the characters already seemed


So it's the Black album we're listening to now? I'm still hooked on that sweet Laurel Canyon sound.

Burt Ward?

…said NBC

What a piece of shit movie. Had to say it. I'd apologize but that's probably what you're all thinking anyway.

Silver Linings Playbook sucked. The first 3/4 of the movie was good, and then it turned into the typical Hollywood crapfest. Fuck that movie.

That soundtrack was awesome!!!

I'm surprised "Key Largo" wasn't mentioned as on of Bogies films that he not only should have been nominated for but also, should have easily won. He was good in Casablanca, he's great in Key Largo.

Is that an invitation?