
Or an Arby's.

It shows the state of mind…been there. Luckily never had the needle in or was that desperate. Sad fun fact: I use his life as an example for my cooks in regards to drug use. Tends to go in one ear and out the other.

That's not a spear!!

Lol, "run a train"!!

I honestly despise this song. It just plain sucks, and not in a good way.

…says the entire populous.

Are we still doing that? And why not?

Nice 30 Rock callback.

You would know, naturally!!

This is so incredibly wrong and yet so right at the same time. Damn my pop culture idiocies.

Thanks for the gruesome reminder of the music they had playing on repeat. Ugh.

Let him die!!!

Not even close, Ryan Adams!

The book is far and away better. Paul Theroux is one of my favorite authors. Easily one of the most fascinating people I've had the chance to hear lecture, take questions, and then just do the sign every book this knucklehead brought.

Digging deep there regardless.

I'm still amazed that folk forget that he was the original host of The Daily Show. Memories are fleeting for sure.

No need to bring River Phoenix into this…

Nah, it was the best with Casey McCall and Dan Rydell.

So you say…

I remember your back and forth and I more than understand where you were coming from. The beginning of that movie is so disjointed, yet connected, to the whole movie I more than understand.