
Fuck, Max too, I apparently missed that. Goddamn this year sucked.

There's nothing Wright about that triangle!!!


I miss the Taco Bell Bell.

Contrary to passively not seeing it?

Nah, it's a Festivus miracle!

*high hat* Try the veal! Don't forget to tip your waiter! *golf swing*

HBO series killed the video star?

That's what your mom said last nite!!

Costa Rica doesn't even have a military force. Hardly what a right wing nut job should be looking for when considering his next move…

Cartridges…very dangerous. You go first.

The Ghostbusters game for the Genesis was awesome. Can't tell you how many times I played it from beginning to end. The one for the SMS had it's interesting points about it as well, but no where as good as the Genesis game.

A good Christmas feast at that…

It baffles me to actually say that I agree with you. Mainly about National Treasure. Not so much about Crystal Skull.

No. Space Opera is more the proper term, despite the lack of singing…altho that cantina jig is pretty catchy!

Bite my shiny metal ass!!!

I doubt she has ever said that.

What kind of sci-fi movie geek are you if you didn't nerd out over the Star Wars trailer? Making the rest of us look bad!

That is hardly a compliment.

The only good Indiana Jones movies are the first and third. I'm not afraid to say it at all.