
Thanks, just snorted beer thru my nose because I was laughing so hard.

Replace the "arro" and you're halfway right!

Kato Kalin would like a word…

A bud of mine got me onto Tindr…and in southern cities (ok, Savannah), it sucks. I have better luck for a hook up wasting time at my local than spending countless hours on line with an app where the girl isn't looking for sex. If you're not looking for sex why are you on Tindr?!?

That's what she said!!

This is easily the best Savage Love in a while, and it's primarily on stuff I think (don't get me wrong here, I'm open to just about anything) is complete BS. The first letter is open and honest and Dan actually gives decent input. Same with the next couple. He's back on his game.

Said it before, have no problem saying it infinitely: The only person who should do the Super Bowl Halftime show is Prince.

And if you're catholic, there's wine!!!

Rapin' hat wants to be taken off…

That's what she said!!!

If you're conversing with ballsacks you're doing orgies wrong.

Is "church" what they call it now?

Drop the zero, go with the hero!

As is evidenced by the Abby Road album death list, Ringo will be the last survivor of the Beatles, and following that odd train of thought (the one you thought would go first is the last), Richards will still be alive 50 years from now.

Yeah, good point!!!

But hopefully not what you're going to do to her…unless she's into that. Then it's OK!!!

So wrong it's right. Thanks, Sarah!!!

Ya wanna shot?

I like this for the obvious reasons, but also because Camp Randall, which I used to drive by all the time, and the High Noon Saloon, which is a great place to see a band. Haven't stepped foot in Madison (or WI) since the summer of 2008 and intend to keep it that way, but nice to hear reports from folk that have been

So this is like the second or third week in a row with letters that seem…lackluster? Seems like he's half assing it going through the holiday season, although I don't blame him, but damn if none of these held my interest. But I've been reading so long I still can't help myself so of course here I am.