
My landlord in WI was ex-SAS and claimed to have had him for some training missions. Kinda wishing Blunt had stayed with the military, would have been a better life choice for us all.

And everything is graded C or less…

It's there now. Just rewatched it and it's still awesome. War, Inc, however, starts out fine and then just sucks the life out of everything. I'm not disappointed in having watched it, but I'll never see it again.

I have no idea what a fundark is, but I'm gonna start calling people that regardless.

I know this is sarcasm, but hell also just froze over as well.

*golf swing* Don't forget to tip! And try the veal!

This is easily the best of the GBV albums from this period. It's easy to look back on this review and say it's crap, but history has tended to be kind to the band. I was able to get a whole slew of fans based off of Isolation Drills because it would tend to be my closing office music at a former restaurant I managed.

If you really need an answer to this question…eh, fuck it. WHO DO YOU THINK?

My head hurts just from reading about this.

Think he'll share a Hot Pocket with us?

And tiny.

If by paid you mean "gets to be their spokesperson and star in future tv ads" then sure!

I could really care less about this, however I find the 1998 film to be fascinating in that it seemed like it had some good ideas going on and then just completely squandered them. I also say this knowing that the last time I saw it was in 1998, so my memory may be a bit foggy.

Yeah, I actually had to think about my answer for this and then realized that the only tv show that I never missed a single episode of (eh, one exception, but it was during the first season so I think that's ok) was ST:TNG. And it was actually a family event as well: My sister had graduated college and for several

You forgot the Star Wars Trilogy

Fairly certain that Dan Brown is used to the mocking at this point.

That's the Thinner, Whiter Duke to you!

It ain't the comedy stylings of 1984, that's for sure.

He did two road trip docs with a friend of his on motorcycles that i've had in my Netflix que for at least a year that are supposed to be pretty damn good. And way back I was a minor fan of The Pillow Book, but haven't seen that since probably 1997 (and probably wont ever again…I'd prefer to remember enjoying it

Only in the remastered digitally altered re-releases.