
I actually like Gremlins 2 more than the original…aside from the scene in the first one with the old lady on the stair elevator (whatever they're called). That is easily one of the funniest scenes ever.

Sounds like we both had the same kind of childhood—I remember catching this on HBO also probably around 1982(?) when I was six or seven and loved it. It was literally a cartoon in real life for me then, and I had no idea who Robin Williams was or Robert Altman, but grew to appreciate both by the time I was 15. Dead

I found it on netflix a week or two before Williams death. Forgot how much I loved that movie. As was mentioned earlier in the week, great performances all around and Gilliam was the perfect director for the film. One of my favorite all around movies from the '90s.

Procured from a vending machine, of course

Now I feel like a complete idiot, because I have been out there to see it twice and knew it was Crazy Horse. Regardless of the politics, it IS pretty damn impressive.

And Spike Jonez tweeted Starr Jones address. Are we still doing this thing?

Been out to see the progress on Sitting Bull twice in the last two decades and I will say it's just a bit more impressive.

Christopher or Philip?

I have made it a point to go out to the Badlands every decade since I was dragged there by my parents in the '80s. Love the state, and fell in love with the Badlands obviously. Seven to ten days of hiking off trail there will revitalize you. Plus the locals in Wall and Mitchel (home of the World Famous Corn Palace!!!)

Key Largo is an awesome movie, one of Bogie & Bacall's best. Saw it on the big screen at the Ohio Theatre during their annual summer classic movie fest probably around 1989 or '90. Changed my entire appreciation for film. She was a grand old dame in her latter years and was always a blast to see interviewed. They

Made a point of not signing in so I could like this twice

About as appealing as the Kirk/Spock slashfic that I had to read for a comparative lit course in 1996. As in, No Thank You.


"It really is the quiet times I enjoy the most." Complete deadpan and nails it.

I was never the biggest fan, but thanks to a gf who liked watching Scrubs I'll always at least somewhat like it. Probably helps that I was watching it long before we went out, moved in together, and then had a throw down no holds barred break up, all within the time that it was on the air. Watching the "first"

May want to get that checked out by a doctor…

At least it wasn't foreskin…

I don't even know what that means, and Oh…PHRASING!!!

I have a feeling the "dog" wasn't asking…

Sad how some people lose that sense of humor. Exhibit A for actors that escape this: Bill Murray. Knows how to laugh at himself, and still have fun making whatever movie he feels he wants to make.