
Even tho I haven't really listened to anything new by her since Bachelor #2, Aimee Mann can do no wrong and I have high hopes for this record.

Damn flippers.

Just remember, it's not gay unless your balls touch.

That sounds hot. Literally. The smell of searing flesh doesn't seem like that much of a turn on.

Gotta give much accolade for mentioning Last Chance To See. I bought it in paperback at a Used Books back in maybe 1989 and still remember the cover, as well as the last few chapters. Like most of my library it got lost due to rain and mismanagement, but damn if it wasn't a great look into Adams life and true

I'm sure it's mentioned much further down the comments but apparently Pacific Rim did pretty damn good business in most Asian markets if I recall. Granted $401 million on a $175 million film isn't all that great according to Hollywood standards anymore but I'm still holding out hope for a sequel.

I'll admit to being pleasantly surprised by Cloud Atlas. I watched it a couple times a month or so ago and while I probably couldn't successfully sum up the movie now, it is one where the individual stories and the scenery makes up for the lack of cohesiveness in my memory.

I don't usually get irked at myself for not getting a FJ, but I think I am this time because it was pop culture related and I got the relation of the people to the city/state. Oddly when Mary put down Hank Hill, that's when I figured it was probably a fictitious character. And that wagering just didn't make any

Mel Gibson would like a word with you…

"Personality?" Is that what we're calling it these days?

The best line I saw in another review of this film: " If Family Circus is your favorite comic, then you should steer clear."

Just watched the trailer for this on youtube, and it reminded me of the odd yet interesting British kids movies that Nickelodeon used to show back in the early '80s. In other words, I really want to see this.

Apparently this is something I should look into…

Subtracting points when chafing occurs?

I actually thought the same thing, it's nice seeing an in-depth review rather than the token three paragraphs. I'm sure it helps that this is probably a really great movie helps, but it's clear that Dowd is stoked about this.

U Are Obviously The Big Existential Wet Dream.


No problems with logging out anymore, since I essentially disabled my old account. It wouldn't log me into the redesign for a couple days and I finally just gave up and logged in with an old account that I thought was long gone and only used once.

Nothing like saying sex is a chore.

Would this somehow be masturbating while saying No repeatedly to yourself?