
You mean "Francoing", right?

Those specials of his on Netflix are definitely not to be passed up. I liked him when I was a kid, forgot about him for 25 years, and how he's had a second coming of sorts the last few years is awesome.

It's the ones who end up in the serial killer business that you have to look out for!

Let's not forget Linda getting everyone to tickle Bob while he's driving. I know that scene was supposed to be played up for laughs at how absurd it is (it's icy and snowing outside, Bob is driving, etc) but I was simply left stonefaced. Thankfully the majority of the episode did make me laugh a lot and redeemed

Granted I've only seen a quarter of the films on your list, but the one I made a point of seeing when it was made available on Netflix was Gimme the Loot. I saw a lot of good reviews for it and figured it for a winner, and while I'm not necessarily pissed that I wasted my time watching it, I kinda am wondering what

I'm thinking Cary Grant probably could have done just as good a job as well, but this is just doing the "what if" game. Spot on about O'Toole in Lawrence though. Eccentric, passionate, and steely madness seems to sum up O'Toole pretty damn well in his off-screen and -stage life also..

I was able to see it at the Ohio Theatre during one of their summer movie series way back when and can't agree with you more, Lawrence of Arabia is breathtaking on the big screen. Great movie and O'Toole was perfect in it.

Geez, same here. Legendary career.

Eh, 20 years might be a bit harsh. But yeah, I got the impression that Lorne Michaels just happened to run into De Niro on the way to the show last night and had some kind of blackmail on him and roped him into this dud that way.

"Crime is a disease. Meet the cure." I was ten when that movie came out and thought it was the most badass line at the top of a movie poster ever. When I saw it on Skinemax a year later I had already moved beyond the movie's target demographic, yet I remember still being incredibly entertained by it. Nearly 30

I usually treat the musical guests as background noise during SNL, but seeing how I kinda liked these guys when they first made it big I figured I'd see how they did. They would have done better if they had just lip synced, because at least they probably would have sounded somewhat alive. I think "disinterested" is

Yeah, the catagory hint was pointless and the clue itself just…ugh. I'm wanting to think that it was some random interns first shot at doing the FJ answer and they decided to make it so obscure as to be impossible.
Thinking back to the FJ a week or so ago that had the letter from Queen Victoria to Mary Todd Lincoln,

What is Tyler Perrys "Madea's Pet Goat".

Geez, thanks for making me nostalgic for the 2002 championship game. One of the best ever, and then Clarett had to essentially ruin himself.

Talk about a shitty job.

Hershey's version of the Nestle bar?

Whenever I tell people who have never heard about this yet love Seinfeld, I always tell them to start with the Michael Richards episode, not only because it's batshit crazy, but there's also a nice sense of nostalgia and just plain niceness and decency to it. Plus, that van/truck/whatever the hell it was that Jerry

"John Teti" is O'Neal's nom de guerre.

Amazingly enough, nine months later it's still "awaiting moderation".

I went through a period over a decade ago (geez I'm getting old) where, over a six month period, I literally was hooking up with a different girl every single week. Thinking about it I'm still kind of amazed at how easy it was, but that's besides the point. The thing that I think got me handed off to all these women