
I’m guessing if you have a decent size player-base and there’s crossplay, you could look at players’ win percentages and adjust from there. Just an idea though

I think pumping the breaks a little is a good thing, and I’ll usually take whatever they’ll slide down my gullet. Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars were weirdly close together anyways

To be fair there once was this little company called Oculus that wanted to make VR practical and fun.  Then they became a big old company and Facebook bought them.  

I want damages paid to me for the suffering this headline caused. 

For a visual prank it was a perfectly fine balance of effort and result, and the reactions have shown it performed well beyond its intended effect.

Why the hell are you so angry?

“I would guess you’re referring to him saying old man stuff on social media, like the old man he is?”

People who leave the carts scattered around are villains. They are straight up shitty people. One time I was getting in my car to leave, and this woman put her cart right behind my car and left it. I got out and was like wtf, I can’t get out, and she came over and moved her cart and vaguely gestured to other carts

Yeah, but I don’t think Generation X will ever get enough cultural cache again that we could use it to get MTV to play videos.

The argument sketch is one of the funniest, most brilliant sketches in the history of comedy, but can it really sustain a full half hour every week?

A lot of these guys miss the fact that their cultural touchpoints haven’t changed in 40+ years and are now irrelevant, and chalk it up to “woke” culture. Like, Jerry Seinfeld had an article where he complained that this joke didn’t land:

focuses much of it’s air time on criticizing woke culture

Kind of like how the phrase “I will face God and walk backwards into Hell” originates from a Dril tweet about being banned from the zoo for hollering at the animals.

Thank you! Time’s up!

This quote should permanently come with JK Rowlings picture attached and not the Joker.  I agree it transcends the movie in the same way that quote from Spy Kids about what if God stays in heaven because he's afraid of what he created transcends that film.

A new channel? What is this, 1998?

Amusingly Cleese pointed out at the same time that Monty Python wouldn’t get commissioned by the BBC today because it was “Six white men, 5 of whom went to Oxbridge”, without thinking about why they did get commissioned in 1969.

I mean, you’re taking my comment in an extremely literal way for some reason. Like I don’t think Harvey Dent was ACTUALLY talking about John Cleese.

Boy, when they said “and now for something completely different” they weren’t foolin, huh?

Cleese says he plans to collaborate with satirist and GB veteran Andrew Doyle to encourage “proper argument.”