Excellent Ellie casting. WTF is your face?
Excellent Ellie casting. WTF is your face?
Oh, look who woke up today.
Title promises bloopers, we get 1 sort of blooper and a bunch of unrelated instagram posts. Sheesh.
Luckily, she’s now being offered meatier characters and starring roles, in which the persona is not tied to the way her body looks.
I saw her and Jason Ritter at Whole Foods one time, and they were smiling and giggling at each other and it was quite possibly the most adorable non-kitten-related thing I’ve ever seen.
Both BP movies are just “good” movies, that is it, and there is nothing wrong with that.
I really do wonder if it’s happened before, and I hope that I’d have the presence of mind if I randomly met him on the street to introduce myself as a correspondent from Horse & Hound Magazine and ask if he mightn’t have time for a few questions.
Awesome. I’m so glad you published that, thank you!
Just my jaundiced eye POV: Black people only win Oscars when portraying characters within comforting stereotypical boxes: The Magical Negro, Sambo, Stepin Fetchit, The Noble Savage, Maids, Slaves, pimps/prostitutes, Bad Parents, Dirty Cops. You get the drift. A woman playing a queen dealing with extreme grief that…
Oh yeah, but the way the academy is “supposed to” work is giving an actor who has had a long line of work their due.
This is it for Jaime Lee, but Angela I hope has a good decade of content to put out.
But i’m definitely not counting out bullshit, they’re only this good to actors who are actually loved by fans because…
“Jordan put a little love on it to acknowledge the obvious snub of one of the most legendary actresses in the room”
She. Was. Nominated. For. An. Oscar. For. Her Performance.
If someone consistently has the best sales numbers every month, they can get Employee of the Month twelve times a year with no problem. But there’s no objective way of defining the “best” at any award at the Oscars. I happen to think that Yeoh’s performance is slightly better than Blanchett’s, but I can’t be sure…
regardless of how (if) this movie turns out, it is crazy that adam driver has worked with deep breath: spike lee, jim jarmusch, ridley scott, martin scorsese, steven soderbergh, michael mann, terry gilliam, the coen brothers, noah baumach, spielberg and now coppola. all while starring in 3 star wars movies.
Huh, wasn’t aware of that, makes sense. It’s just we were told in the first Cap movie that’s all the vibranium they had... so basically yer saying they (S.H.I.E.L.D. staff) painted it that way for that night mission. I got it with the stars and stripes, so I thought maybe it was a Russo thing, but then it started…
This should be illegal. Creating that much waste and probably having to pay close to nothing to dump it, thereby passing the true cost onto everyone else who has to deal with plastics in our food, medicine, water, etc. If you can’t accurately forecast the demand for these trinkets, then you should have to firesale…
“Why... why is everything so smooshed together in the image?”
Because they’re literally in a tiny squished-down universe!
Yes. It’s actually a different colour entirely during that part of the story.