Call of the seum.
Call of the seum.
Zemeckis also addressed using Andy Serkis to mo-cap both Tom and Robin as “his finest performance.”
It’s a trilogy. They cover that in the follow up flicks, There, and Everywhere.
Agreed. I always think back to Burt Lancaster’s performance in Field of Dreams. Gravitas. You could de-age a person, but ya can’t erase gravitas that comes with age and collected wisdom and experiences. Seeing how ‘slowly’ Tom and Robin moved to hug each other, I kinda cringed; a couple in their mid-twenties to…
RE: “an extravagantly stylized pulp burlesque that is at once an objectively lousy picture and just about the coolest damn thing I’ve ever seen.”
Wait, so what did I just watch? A teaser?
The fact that Ritchie already cast the original 80's Young Sherlock Holmes (Nicholas Rowe) in his first flick, Lock Stock, is beautiful synergy. Having said that, I am still waiting for Holmes film #3. I know Ritchie and Downey Jr signed off and locked the final script for their third Sherlock outing and was supposed…
Episode two, the entire sequence of slow music building-up and final ‘assembly’ of the clone army touted as the ‘good guys’, knowing what one knows... goosebumps. Every. Time.
Ah, got it. Makes sense. Thanks.
So even the people who put her make-up on in the mornings also had to be in full make-up and costume? Even the catering table people? Her driver? The concierge, bellboy... everyone decked out in apocalypse gear?
I still think John Wick’s high-table should have turned out to have been comprised of all the past actresses he’s worked with, like Bullock, Winona, Carrie Ann Moss... and then reveal that his in-movie (not) dead wife is sitting at the top. And it turns out she faked her death just to get the great baba yaga back in…
Shirley Valentine’s husband for the win!
If you’re one to get comfortably bogged down with all that semantics then maybe you shouldn’t bother yourself with Tarantino. Maybe even forget cinema altogether :/
This... is an attitude I sincerely respect.
The seats fly now?
Seriously? Not one jab at “but the sand gets everywhere”?
Did they pluck this guy straight out of summer school?
Frank Drebin: “I have a particular set of skills... in fact, here he comes now... I’d like you to meet Trevor Setofskills.”