
Just looking at that header pic, shaking my head... I mean, is that an actual ‘sanctioned’ pic officially distributed by the parent company? Why... why is everything so smooshed together in the image? All that atmosphere, sooo much desaturating, all that haziness. Why? To not call attention to anything that was too

...I did not know he was doing an American accent. Thought it was some weird regional future dialect. 

Also maybe take the brown filter off the lens?

I would gladly help out a GoFundMe if they needed money to buy some lightbulbs to help brighten some scenes. Maybe they can wait a minute for the dust to settle and film the actors when there is actual light shining on them? I’m not in the field so I wouldn’t know :/

Jennifer Connelly as Betty Ross was good.

His style is insane. I know some directors are known for this, like Kubrick, but at what cost when you’re psychologically hammering your actors. I have yet to see a performance in a Fincher film, or a Kubrick for that matter, that was so good that it justified that kind of torturous work process. I have yet to see a

Beautiful film. Enjoyed the jilted boyfriend/jock dude as he’s scampering about picking up his clothes that are being flung out onto the streets, loved the mirror looks between Dil and Fergus, as well as the convo with Broadbent’s bartender.

I can understand why he prefers film. He has a specific set of skills, after all.

It’s not the volume of material doing this, but I begrudgingly think he...sort of has a point. The original Star Wars movies really nailed a tone of mysticism and magic, with lots of rich but mostly unexplained world-building. The setting felt huge and alien and immersive, and that was compelling.

In my head. Please make it stop.

Huh?  When does Luke say that?

On the one hand I love how Star Wars is going back to its Saturday matinee serial origins, with it’s weekly 20 to 30 minute cliffhangers, but on the other hand I still miss that grand cinematic experience. And I don’t even mean trilogies, one-offs are great too.

I agree. I didn’t make it all the way through the last Dr. Strange, I found myself simply not caring. I was really engaged by the first third of Wakanda Forever, and then walked away during the climax. Again, I simply didn’t care. It’s all just CGI bombast and I’m tired of everything having to tie in with each other.

The movie would have been better if he did have a mustache which at some point does get twirled.  

The biggest stroke of luck Feige (and Favreau, who doesn’t really get the credit he deserves for his part in the launch) had was in how badly Marvel screwed things up in the 90s.

If Marvel had the rights to Spider-Man and the X-Men from the jump, it is fairly likely they make the same mistakes Sony and Fox did. Maybe

i think it also might be worth pointing out that feige...maybe...just got really lucky and isn’t some brilliant tactician.

Stan Lee was famously opposed to recreational drug use. I believe it was Denny O’Neil who planned to slip LSD into Lee’s coffee until another staffer talked him out of it.

I’d like to see the MCU lean into more stuff like Werewolf By Night. A fun, hour-long romp that barely had any ties to the larger continuity.

I suspect that’s literally all Lee and Kirby were thinking, probably while sharing a spliff and having intermittent giggle fits.