
Phoenix winning the Oscar for Joker is in line with many others who won the award because it was just ‘about time’ they won one. Actors (and directors) are often overlooked for their best performances and get the statue for just being overall good at what they do, if they do it long enough. See: Al Pacino for Scent

In a nicer universe: Bond and Blofeld.

Tony Leung and Maggie Cheung in “In the Mood for Love” have some of the most electrifying chemistry in all cinematic history.

Yes, Slide TitleButtercup was a great romantic lead.

Clarence and Alabama

Bond and Tracey/Vesper.

Seriously lovin’ the list... but I think Emma Stone had more connection/heat with her Spidey than Kirsten Dunst did with hers.

Scritti Politti called...

Jen really nailed her delivery. 

Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy.

Dang news... and it just dawned on me that Ian Holm (r.i.p.) was in both those gems.

Unfortunately, like a lot of Vangelis’ stuff, the theme got used in so many commercials later on that it is hard to take seriously although it is beautiful and majestic.

That time Bond used Vesper’s name as a password. What? It IS a comedy.

(We do have some questions about Stiller being the choice for this, but to say much more would be a spoiler, so we’ll just stay quiet and assume that the people involved have some idea of what they’re doing.)

So apparently if you build it he will come, but just not stay for too long. Huh.

Not everybody can be Mark Harmon and stick with the same tired shit from CBS for 20 years. Honestly, I’m shocked they got 5 seasons out of someone like Costner.

I’d just love if they set the redo back to a pulpy 20's-30's setting.

personally i would like to see bautista keep taking interesting, challenging roles and stay far, far away from shirtless franchise work.

Once again Dave Bautista proves himself to be one of the most self-aware, realistic, humble and level-headed A-listers working today. May his career be long, successful and varied

Not a bad list, though I'm sad that two of my personal favorites, Annie Hall and Moonstruck, ended up being relegated to runner-up status. The Apartment is a masterpiece, no question, but Annie Hall really revolutionized the whole form.