
Gotta agree with you on that one. Also Angela Lansbury... she knows what she did :/

So without being all spoilery, do you think Wilde was being method-directing? Was she prancing off with Harry JUST to get a certain riled-up/confused/uncertain performance (that she might not otherwise be getting) out of Pugh?

To be fair, spit-gate deserved more coverage than it got.

Hey now, don’t forget Papa Midnite...

Wouldn’t that photographer’s presence and reasons to be on premises be known ahead of time, in triplicate?

Completely agree, but I just had to share this ;)

Still a sore spot for me, still kills me knowing Mulholland Drive started out as a pilot... now THAT is a show I would tension-ingly anticipate tuning in to every week.

Yeah, it’s been fanfic for a few years now, both with her and Krasinski.

Now playing

Vanity Fair just put out a pretty nice vid with Gaiman going through the trailer. For anyone that’s interested:

At this rate, when can we expect the ‘actual’ live-action movie that Lightyear is based on?

If that is the closest we’ll ever get to seeing Dr. Quinzel and Bruce Wayne in the same flick, hmmm... :/

That was painful, Saoirse Ronan’s accent needs serious work :/

Seriously, was Chives Out taken?

“So... rocket scientist, got it.”

I keep telling you, we’re not friends, acquaintances at best. But yeah, let me know what you find out.

Thomas’s Crowning Affair.

Get in line. Take a number :/


So Cagney & Lacey were unavailable?