
Are you kidding? He was SO sarcastic, just full of biting ironic wit!

Make sense- I suspect it’s somewhere in the middle. It’s got to be hard these days to be totally original. I struggle to think of any good story that didn’t borrow / steal from something before it. It would be an interesting exercise to outline a plot that doesn’t adhere to any major trope or well know story.

Ok now you people are just trolling. Comparing GoTG 2 to Empire and Wrath of Khan?? The opinions of the many outweigh the opinions of the few and I have to believe I am in the majority saying that’s GoTG doesn’t measure up. Granted I will take GoTG 1 & 2 are both better than the first Star Trek movie ( and most of the

As much as I loved GoTG 1 and liked GoTG 2, if this series if the “Star Wars of this generation”, I feel bad for this generation. I don’t think people are going to be dressing up as Drax and Ravagers 20 years from now, or comparing future sequels to GoTG 2 in the same way movies are compared to Empire now. It’s like