
This guy wants a digital dollar operated by a central bank.. that is the opposite of a crypto bro just so you know.

It’s funny you don't get this shows version of neo feminist cookie dough IS safe play now. You aren't allowed to critique it or you hate women. And every lowest common denominator teen to twenty something will eat it up like it's somehow empowering for a superficial ditzy woman to be telling it like it is. Disney is

It’s funny how people talk shit on him because of the stock price. The whole market was pumped during the pandemic. Especially tech stocks. They are all down 50 percent. Check out Nvidia stock.  Maybe we should wonder more why the stick market exploded through all time highs during a global pandemic and be less happy

Maybe we could uhhh to scale back our massive support for Ukraine.. instead of intervening pretending this is some avengers movie with no real potential for nuclear consequences. As a side effect maybe all that money indirectly going to our arms manufacturers can instead go to hmmm housing the ever growing homeless

I think the idea is it’s using teslas driving tech to enable it to do things on non preprogrammed paths. Won't bump into you. Will probably map out your house and shit. The Boston dynamics one ran a single course it was preprogrammed for 

I think the idea is it's using teslas driving tech to enable it to do things on non preprogrammed paths

I wonder if the genders were reversed how acceptable this would be... I'm guessing not at all. Certainly not used by corporations as advertising. I'm all for equality but why is it only a one way street? 

I think it's more about superficial actions that do nothing to change things. ESG is just a way for corporations to market themselves. It's like sticking a BLM sticker on your car and pretending with all your white friends you actually care about racism

ESG is marketing bullshit. He’s right to take a critical view.

Imagine if you did! They are building infrastructure that will enable coders to create machine learning algorithms they are paid fairly for to find cures to diseases.. you are incredibly shortsighted and stupid my friend. You're saying landing on the moon did nothing to find cures to diseases .. it sped up the

This show is clearly written for a certain demographic. And it makes that demographic seemn superficial and kind of stupid. That's all I'll say. I was hoping for more. 

Does anyone not see how the government is using corporations to break free speech. I get that we all hate Trump but changing these rules could be very very bad in future if someone on the right is pulling the strings. There is a reason free speech was very important in the creation of the country and why it was so

Not knowing it was a 3 part series and being totally left hanging after the first movie

To me the convincing people your not racist is just mimicking your average white liberal. Virtue signalling everywhere. But when it comes time to add affordable housing to your neighborhood your secret racism comes out. 

No one that uses android cares about the green text thing. That’s just some elitist borderline classist shit people that think the type of phone someone uses of related to the quality of person they are. And a secret dog whistle for the haves to hate on the have nots.

It’s clearly trying to be context aware in it’s chat with you... You asked about racism first so it tried to link the next topics if it could. Sounds like an awkward 2d woke chatbot that tried to incorporate context.

I’m sure you've got an apple one coming soon too right.. surely the touch bar is more of a fiasco than the zune. People actually liked those.  How about the year over year worse keyboards?  Or does gizmodo still pretend Steve Jobs is alive

There are real problems in the world. How bizarre is it we focus on a children's tv show and debate it's canon 

And the US dollar hasn’t? Do you understand what gives the dollar it’s value? Do you understand you got a 10 percent pay cut last year due to inflation? Do you know why the stock market hit all time highs in the middle of a global pandemic?

Just to address some issues.