
You sound like every hindsight bro at the end of each higher Bitcoin high. I feel sorry for your grandchildren 

Why.. there's maybe 2 adult comic book movies. This and Deadpool. Everything else has just become this self referencing candycane fan service.  I'll take another real movie any day over some CW style crap

The real issue is some of the kids worked as child actors. But puberty hit them like a freight train and they don't know how to act their age any more. They come off as whiney and stilted.  I almost feel bad for a couple of them. Just being little and cute was enough in the first seasons. But now with broad shoulders

You’re on gizmodo dude. Apple does no wrong 

Daydream was rad... Really easy exposure to VR. Also how are these embarrassing? I see a company trying as many new things as possible and keeping what works. Gizmodo is like the bully of the tech world. Makes fun of anyone who tries something new because their friend apple is still sitting around basking in the

The Fed also printed so much money that every American got a 10 percent pay cut last year through inflation. Wonder what did more damage?

The government pumped an insane amount of money into the market during the pandemic. That’s why it went to all time highs... In the middle of a global pandemic. That’s also why there’s soaring inflation. Now the piper is calling and the market is going to have major corrections. On top of that inflation has probably

I’m curious. Did you ever play an MMORPG? Like spend weeks or months of your life in a game world.  Ones where you can choose to just pay cash and buy the in game currency or you can grind?  You don't think it would be better if that market in the game was one in which all the work you put in could actually lead to

Yes.. My mom's addiction to shopping on Amazon has definitely made her life better. Thanks execs!!  You guys figured it. People don't want compelling interactive experiences through new technologies. They just want to become addicted consumers. That will for sure make the world better. Along the way you can put out of

Maybe forcing whatever social issues are in the media at the time of production into the plot so callously that the whole tone of the movie and it’s characters shift is not a good idea Kathleen? Something more timeless based on a creators genuine careful crafting of a story is better in the long term. Or not. Let’s

What do you know the peg is already above a dollar.. I bet believe gizmodo is complicit in hyperbolic market FUD. This has been happening with tether since 2016. Except now a major news source is complicit. Like your realize you have a responsibility to your readers. You call crypto volitile in one article then in

It’s painful reading your takes on crypto. Tether has a sore history and the market is fearful right now. USDC went to over a dollar. Fearful markets act irrationally and tether will be back at a dollar very soon. Already .995. You're basically saying a lot of humans are in the market and valuing assets based on fear

Why not tell us 100 dollars 2 years ago? Or why not make this article at the peak of the bull run? Maybe tell us how much we would have lost investing this much in Netflix 6 months ago. Or perhaps how this relates to broader market sell offs and the fed raising interest rates?  Oh yes. You want clicks based off snide

I don’t understand.. did he remove the news article or did he state that the article was false

So the woman who totally failed to reign in the 2009 financial crisis, wants to stop the next generations only chance for a wealth transfer because she doesn’t understand what she’s talking about but knows naive headline reading neoliberals want to hear about how Bitcoin is bad. As she happy inflates the dollar 10

Doesnt matter. Gets more clicks to villanize him. The guy who figured out how to make Americans interested in electric cars. Going into space. And helping Ukraine in a time of crisis out of pocket.

Just like gizmodo called Bitcoin a scam for 10 years you make another glib catty opinion meant to give average people the feeling their average opinion is somehow insightful. I feel sorry for the grandchildren of the people who get their tech predictions here.

Or ya know at the very least a centralized entity shouldn’t be censoring people when it is operating at the scale of general communication. Get rid of the bots and let real people talk about ideas. That worked all throughout history and was what made America successful in a world of empires. That’s why they made it

Your on gizmodo. Every article needs some glib condescension to trigger the people just looking for dopamine hits based on hating and feeling superior to highly successful people

For those that don’t get why NFTs are a big deal. They are the technology that allows us to create metaverses in a trustless way in which there is no central authority that takes a cut. The revenue is shared by those participating in the project. Blockchain and NFTs basically created the infrastructure to do this