
He’s not wrong. The US using these mega corporations to inhibit free speech because they can’t gets really dicey. So does forcing outliers into small groups rather than letting their stupid ideas air out and correct in public.

You guys hate on NFTs so much.. how did you not understand it was to decentralize what meta is about to do in is own controlled environment and take a fee from you for. So bizarre how you can hate on one subject and also hate on that subjects antithesis. It's almost like this site gets clicks for catty hate and not

The petrol dollar is WHY we aren’t switching to alternative energy faster. The dollar is backed by continued fossil fuel use

Is it dirtier than decades of war and millions of lives lost to preserve the petrol dollar? Please Google petrol dollar so you understand what backs the US dollar. Then ask yourself if a system like that is incentivized to get off fossil fuels any time soon. Then come back and decide how dirty Bitcoin is. If we moved

The government is paying for them. Pharmaceutical companies are having record profits right now and the vaccine is the most profitable drug ever created for them so far.

Here’s the real problem. Joe has people on like Dr Rhonda Patrick. 2 years ago she said it’s been reported people dying of covid are vitamin d deficient. Only yesterday did a scientific study coming out verifying this.

But your ok with the long term risk? It is fact if is altering the menstrual cycle of women. Look it up. There’s is no info on how that’s going to go long term. Or on little girls in 20 years. 1 in 1000 have adverse reactions in the phizer trials. 300 in a million is a much smaller number.

They have been brainwashed by Pfizer sponsored media and politicians. Omicron just have everyone antibodies. Pfizer is rushing this through so they can get one last push of profit before we all don’t need the vaccine any more. It will be for at risk people in the future.

I know the point of gizmodo is to be glib..

Dear gamers. How is taking all that ore you mine. All those weapons you gathered or built. All those hours you put into your characters. And turning each one into something tradable for real world goods a bad thing?  That's all NFTs are in relation to gaming at this point. Literally. Take the market from the corporate

It’s not gizmodo if there's isn't flppant complaining about something

You know in 10 years when it's only white dudes that made all the money on web3 these kinds of articles will be to blame. Making it seem like a scam that only bros get into is not helping women or people of color get in on the ground floor. I understand there's a lot of scams because it's new. But your language is

Religion has been associated with violence for a long long time. Imagine the pope being a part of an organization that sanctioned child rape for the last century...

And you even wrote a comment. How sad is your life

Why do people complain so much about wasting money on space exploration when there's research out there being funded like this. What is the good that might come from this? Clitoris transplant?  

And one based on oil sales fun Saudi Arabia in a global push for renewable energy does? Look up the petrol dollar and get educated on why the US dollar has value after the gold standard was dropped. Or don't and just make catty glib remarks online 

The issue is the first implications of the vaccine effectiveness were overpromising by a lot. Slowly it's been walked back and now it's just a kind of preemptive treatment and mild profilactic.  Combined with being the most profitable drug ever in a country that is corrupt to it's core... I don't know what you'd

My friend just got it and was double vaxxed. I think a little too much magic cure faith was put into the vaccine. Be safe and even if you're vaxed. If you have preexisting conditions I wouldn't chance it

You want to fix everything fast? Aren't you the same neo liberals that wanted Biden in office over Bernie? We had a chance to address climate change quickly. You guys chose to pick the establishment candidate that was there to preserve the established systems. Bitching about the order of electric vehicles one of these

What a let down in the venom post credit resolution. Would be a screwed waste to just take hardy right back out of the universe after such a tease