
Guys.. is there a tipping point you actually ask stand up and demand climate crisis is treated with the severity of deserves? Clearly voting establishment democrat is not good enough. The kings are metaphorically putting our children and grand children in chains that they will have to drag around their whole lives. 

Asa crypto Stan I couldn’t care less. The petrol dollar is starting to crack. Google it if you would like to know why. Basically Saudi Arabia only sells oil for us dollars. This keeps the dollar stable and why it has become the global reserve currency.

37 miles an hour on the Autobahn sounds dangerously slow. I would be pissed to see that on American interstates. 

Please look into the Petro dollar. I’m so tired of reading articles that don’t put this as the main issue.

The worst currency around? You realize the US dollar has value because of the petrol dollar agreement with Saudi Arabia right?? All these wars. All this oil burned... That’s too keep the us dollar as the world reserve currency.

And it’s also the first if many missions necessary to reboot the space industry.

This article links to an Earther article from August discussing this ruling and why it doesn’t mean the Biden administration actively has to offer land for lease. Specifically:

You get 7 tests at a time in a very small package in London just FYI. It’s extremely convenient to always have one at hand if you’re going to a lot of gatherings. Knowing everyone took a test first. With breakthrough cases the older people here are not relying on vaccine alone at this point and it gives them comfort.

Lived in London the last 6 months and can’t believe the us doesn’t do this. First of all they send 7 at a time in a small box to another poster saying 1 wasn’t enough.

So your assertion is the world would be better if he didn't run his save the ocean challenge... Gizmodo seriously sounds like jealous bitter reddit posters than a tech news site more and more. At least he does something. Is it any worse than sitting around doing anything thinking a vote for Biden was going to change

Probably not fun to be forced by the government to be the agent that limits free speech.

So gizmodo is now just taking long Reddit posts and calling that articles?  

This is a really bad argument. All those animals evolved with the planet and whatever waste they produced because of that finds a natural balanced reconstruction.

Well gizmodo spent all of the early crypto age writing articles about how Bitcoin and Ethereum were scams. So probably. For sure don't take advice from here

So this site is now for borderline schizophrenic rants about the intentions of movie executives .. if all the mental energy put into marvel movies went into fixing climate change or world hunger these problems would be solved. Grow up. All of you. This world is burning and you're totally placated 

I like not you act like the US isn’t complicit in that oil cartel of countries you mentioned.

Yes let's stick to the one propped up by the Petro dollar and it's ever inflating supply sending the stock market to highs even through a pandemic. While eleclecting another incompetent leader that's proved only to be a liar most recently with the 650 million dollar weapons deal to the Saudis.  Yes let's stick with

Yes because haha those crypto idiots can't cash out right... This fools. Keep telling yourself that as you savings inflates to nothing. At least you and your friends will have felt smart briefly when you thought you were right

Dear Biden supporters. We had a chance with Bernie and you literally screwed over humanity picking the DNC corporate choice. Now YOU are responsible for standing up and demanding the promises made be kept.  He just signed off on a 650 million dollar weapon deal with Saudi Arabia that was promised not to happen. 

You’re gonna be real impressed in 10 years when you're inflated dollar is half it's worth now and the stimuluses run out so the artificial high on the stock market deads. It's funny how many people still don't get it.  Your grand kids are going to be upset with you