
Viral deep fakes went viral... Come on guys. 

Yes... Traders saw the news and made a choice on a trade. Look at every stock on the planet and find a news event of the same magnitude. Volume comes in. Traders trade. How is this any different than the apple twitter getting hacked and putting a damaging tweet up.  What about Bitcoin makes this something that needs

The point being made is ALL marvel properties the last few years have had bad writing. They cater to social trends and seem to be movie made by committee of producers. The bad writing in the other films is why people didn’t give this a chance.

This all translates to dystopia. They are going to focus on profit and centralization when every decent thinker understands when AGI gets here it cannot be a single company in control. Ilya was the only one willing to put caution over profit.

So you just say things to get social points. I understand Elon is not likable but it’s bizarre how this kind of glib nonsense is so socially edible.

With the recent shakeups at Disney and Marvel I will be very surprised if the girls rule boys drool version of avengers actually happens. 

I don't. The TV series all started to suck. There was still hope for the big screen. You would say least think they wouldn't half ass it the way they rushed the TV series

Gizmodo is complicit in the fall of all this awesome IP. For so long you went along with the idea that the bad reviews were just women haters. Here we are 10 years later and Disney has ruined marvel and Star wars.  Yet again we get another movie focused on his girls rule and boys drool

Not sure if it's coincidence but this not being able to cry review is a duplicate of another one a couple days ago on a different site. Maybe your the same guy but it not it seems like such similar ideas you may get some words

Wow. Bravo. I didn't expect ai taking all our jobs to be claimed by women fighting patriarchy so quick.  You know. This kind of "journalism" does a disservice to women's movements. You take people who might be on the fence and make it clear that it's not merit behind your argument but some strange desire to be a

It’s almost like that first wave of success was just hype over a new app from a popular company and not indicitavice of some revolutionary twitter competition media told you to sell articles. 

Go look at a stock chart. It goes up and down short term but long term there are trends. Is this article really implying ai is a bubble that’s over? Or maybe in organic growth there are ups and downs not straight lines.

If your a mattepainter not using ai to make elements you are not using ai right.

There are exactly 0 artists using ai without the plan to alter the image.. why do you think it's imbedded in Photoshop... This is a non article. Great title though

Maybe politics doesnt have to be injected into everything?  Even Robbies response also kind of implied that.  This article is the problem.  Some algorithm told you feminsm in a title gets more clicks so you are injecting politics into everything.  It stirs people up and we end up not caring about actual important

Perhaps this cartoon movie was made for kids

They are called VFX artists not VFX techs .. in 10 years when ai is doing their job and all we do is prompt an AI. Then they will be VFX techs

In 2009 were all the celebrities who did commercials for banks sued?  The only difference between these 2 events is the tax payer bailout. 

It’s just creative bullshit to give homage to the og character and actor. It is a scene designed by producers.  All this after the fact thought about long lines of connective tissue between the MCU is borderline schizophrenic behavior. No one making these movies is thinking this much.  I know. I've worked on some of

Wasnt Twitter already a dumpster fire?  In confused on all these articles that act like Twitter was some perfectly hiking machine of human expression.  It was trash. It's still trash. It lowest common denominator chat