Rogers Aching Ticker

SFDebris once did a truly herculean analysis of the production of the Star Wars trilogy, and Chuck’s conclusion was that George Lucas almost certainly had some kind of undiagnosed, high-functioning form of autism.

It looks like a Dreamworks Movie that snuck into the Pixar Studio. 

“But when the B&N finally opened, it was hard not to concede that the new store was a huge improvement, partly because it was a much bigger store with a greater selection, but mostly because the staff, while not as encyclopedically knowledgeable as the guys up the street, was actually professional.”

This is essentially

It’s not weird: Fantasy Island is flat out the intellectually better of the two shows. Sure it’s steeped in 70's kitsch at times, but it’s not the sort of low rung humor you got on the Love Boat. The best part of the Love Boat a lot of times is the very beginning and watching who the guest stars will be (they’ve been

No Ricardo Montalbán? This movie is doomed. It’s like trying to have a Chrysler Cordoba commercial with Benedict Cumblebumble. Where is the rich Corinthian leather? Michael Peña? Awww mannnn! 

Oh come on, if you’re seriously suggesting that the Cactuar pose looks anything like a swasti-........oh my God.

It’s kind of weird that I consider Fantasy Island the intellectually better of the two shows and I remember liking how it wasn’t limited by locale, but other than an occasional reference to the opening (“da plane, da plane”, white suits, Mr. Roarke and “Welcome to Fantasy Island”), Love Boat is the one from which I

How about it? Does that make Captain Marvel itself propaganda? No.

He did admit that and then went on to say that he has since learned he should not have been doing that. That’s literally what we’re trying to get people to do: Realize their racism is bad and change themselves to be better people.  You think this is a bad thing somehow?

Batman v Superman didn’t seem to hurt Wonder Woman.

That’s Ram. It was 1988.

Any conversation like this about who is or isn’t “method” is inherently confusing, because that’s not just one thing. Strasberg, Adler, and Meisner all had different takes on Stanislavski’s ideas and they all tend to get lumped together... and none of them were really about telling actors to stay in character all the

Do you man Tom Hardy? I can’t think of any roles that Hanks has bulked up or down for.  Maybe Saving Private Ryan.  Hardy goes up and down constantly to the point I saw a quote from him a few years ago that was literally concerned for his health.  

They all had that awful tanbark that would lodge splinters in every uncovered body part if you so much as brushed against it.

Don’t be silly, Christopher Reeve wears glasses*, Superman doesn’t wear glasses.

The plant nursery near my house pays better than minimum for entry-level plant waterers who don’t even have to speak English.  This girl’s just lazy.

are you a concept commenter where the concept is comments that are just pretty stupid? Like “somewhat embarrassing failed ownage graduating to humiliating by repetition” concept?

Mira Sorvino? 

This is assuming that shame works as a deterrent from shaming others.  One only needs to look at how Rush Limbaugh talked about drug addicts AFTER he was openly in rehab for drug addictions to see this is not now and never will be the case.

That’s a much older rom-com trope where both characters start off hating each other, usually because they’ve both done something awful to the other. The story is about each one learning to understand the other while also learning to change their own bad behaviours. Goes back at least to Pride and Prejudice (1813).