Rogers Aching Ticker

I think there’s a big difference there in how the “mind-rape” is conveyed to the audience.

Nice try, but the line is Griffin Mill’s (Tim Robbins).

Stuttgart /pedantry

Schiavelli’s “I could shoot you from Zurich and make it look like suicide” is a superb villainous boast.

One of the greatest joys of the last few years of pop culture has been the end result of Nolan moving Oppenheimer to Universal out of spite for Warner brothers, and Warner brothers scheduling Barbie on the same day as Oppenheimer out of spite for Nolan, has resulted in TWO radically different, but exciting movies by

When every aspect of objective reality makes clear that you and your people are the fucking bad guys, what choice do you have but to LARP some elaborate fantasy where the people fighting for social justice and equity are secretly satanic vampires and your clan of white power dickheads with no education are the fucking

Conservatives believing literally any stupid shit.

I think Dunham(who I still think is a great writer), was coming from a place that was rooted in a little more racism. This is just Britney being completely unaware since she’s literally Britney Spears.

You can’t see everything, but it looks like she’s reaching up to tap the guy on the shoulder, and the security guy does a kind of windmill motion to first knock her arm up and back and then bring it down. She definitely gets hit by something, but whether he caught her on the down swing or just whipped her hand into

Does give off some Lena Dunham “random white lady with money not getting enough attention from Odell Beckham, Jr and making it everyone else’s problem vibes here.

Wendell Pierce would like a word...


it’s not an aged franchise, but the color of money is probably the other great legacy sequel, ironically also with tom cruise.

I agree. It’s going to take SAG and the WGA to insist on some ground rules and licensing terms. I’m happy to pay my union dues and I just wish artists had similar unions to help.

First time the Lions have won anything meaningful in 32 years.

Right, but when did he start playing bass for noted 1970's funk pioneers The Noted Funk Pioneers?

Film Venom worked because Eddie Brock, in that version of the character, really, really doesn’t want to be doing what he’s doing, but does it solely as a hilarious best-I-can-do compromise with a maniacal space alien. This is sub-Crow level bullshit, and all respect to Brandon Lee, but The Crow was merely ok to begin

Yeah, this film isn’t a spectacular fuck-up like John Carter where Hollywood screwed it, nor is it some piece of crazed outsider art like The Room - both of which make for fascinating subjects, albeit unintentionally.

His specialty is the celebrity overdose.

Two thirds of are fine.  They just fucked up the landing because they tried to appease crying man-boys