Rogers Aching Ticker

I’ve never been attracted to him before and wouldn’t want anything to happen between us again, anyway, even if the kiss was hot.”

This is true, but Venom the End was still a pretty wild read. Warren might not have a deep history with the character, but good God did he do a bunch of research. Most writers just focus on one aspect of a character and ignore everything else, especially the recent history, so it was pretty cool that the crew behind

True. BTW, Hulk: The End is spectacular. That last page has stayed with me for years!

The original line of Marvel’s The End series made some sense because they were written by beloved creators who had long runs on the those respective characters. I don’t really get the point of these new specials because most of the creators have little or no experience with the character. When Peter David tells you

As I understand it, the disapproval that it exists per se, somewhat predated the actual reviews.

Yeah, but a lot of things that get plaudits are utter trash. It usually isn’t framed as an outrageous moral failing on the part of the honoree. Or at least it didn’t used to be, but now we seem to be eliminating the possibility that things can just suck without needing to be atoned or apologized for.

Yeah, in Fever, Tony’s more an anti-hero, or possibly a Byronic hero. He acts out because he knows his life is superficial and he has no future. Staying Alive, he’s straight up the villain of the movie; a full-on sociopath who doesn’t care about anything but himself and is rewarded even though he doesn’t deserve it.

Agreed. Doing the whole “Han Solo, you’re really the hero” bit annoyed the shit out of me, as did the whole “we’ve got to do the right thing” ending. It was too morally clean for a bunch of thieves and scoundrels.
Qi’ra was entirely too “doe-eyed nice girl” from the start. She needed to be trouble with a capital T,

Without him, it would be entirely unwatchable.

I mean, sure, it’s probably not going to happen and this guy will have to content himself with porn or get a divorce, but how in the world did these two people not have a more extensive conversation about this issue? If the wife was never into her partner’s fetish/ entertained the idea but decided against it/ thought

Beyond hot takes that came out during the “50 Shades” series, it’s pretty well accepted that “Secretary” is a very good film. Because critics, understandably and I suppose, are only human and therefore not immune to the charms of Maggie Gyllenhaal holding an envelope in her teeth.

It’s kind of like Tony Soprano’s dreams pushing him toward what he already senses but doesn’t want to accept - that Big Pussy is working with the feds.

yes, subsequent seasons will be rough and knobbly.

And at the end, she was DEFINITELY topping from the bottom.

When we first got together after a bad breakup, Mrs. Fate and I used light BDSM play as one way of working through trust issues; watching, discussing, and bonding over that movie was a big part of it. No, it’s not a road map - more of a travelogue - but it helped open some doors and let us feel less awkward talking

I think if you adjust your thinking to seeing it as a BDSM fantasy rather than an accurate portrayal of real life it works. To put it in perspective, people reading romance novels about, say, a countess and a sexy highwayman don’t actually want to be kidnapped by a sexy highwayman and don’t believe it’s an accurate

That’s true if you live in a part of the world that has crocs!

You touch on an interesting point and related to a conversation a friend and I just had (we’re both bi cis females; we are both married to dudes) - when you are bi and in a long-term monogamous relationship, like, who do you even come out to in that situation? Because if you tell someone you’re bi and they see you

And that’s still wrong, it’s entirely possible he’d dump his gf for the first man he sleeps with.

OPENS: That sounds all kinds of messed up, GET OUT.