Rogers Aching Ticker

This would make sense if Weyland weren’t himself on the journey. Maybe it makes sense in SV to pump up a bunch of expendable dummies to take risks that a more sensible group of people wouldn’t, but it doesn’t seem like something a trillionaire risks when his own life is on the line. Also, if that was what the film

It was a little crazy that of all the bad ideas to enter the franchise after Aliens, the one that Scott chose to roll with was the Ancient Aliens idea from AVP. It makes me wonder if the makers of AVP had some notes from Scott previewing the Chariot of the Gods direction he took for Prometheus, because the alternative

Andor is fantastic. Mandalorian doesn’t have to be it. Let it not be it.

How did you feel about Andor? Because I think that people might dislike this episode in direct proportion to how much they liked that show. It’s a very different subject matter and look than Mandalorian episodes usually have, and it was definitely The Mandalorian trying to step on Tony Gilroy’s corner, with a lot less

I don’t need to doubt it. Fey herself admitted she went too far. I don’t doubt at all that Hilton was a crappy SNL host.’re defending an interview where Fey used a transphobic slur to insult Hilton?

And who did her unrepentantly pursuing whatever lifestyle harm exactly?

Being fair, as that link points out, lots and lots of people have listed Kiefer Sutherland as a bad hang. I bet it didn’t help that it looked like they were positioning Prinze Jr. to continue the 24 franchise if they couldn’t re-sign Sutherland at the end of that season.

With Feige, Kathleen Kennedy was probably headed to his birthday party when she realized her assistant hadn’t thought to buy his gift (it was supposed to be baseball cap, again), and she was like, “Okay, Wendy, for the third time this month I’ve got to give someone a Star Wars trilogy because you couldn’t be bothered

Yeah, someone beat you to it by like, three days. And I’ve already admitted I’m sad I forgot the line that kinda-rhymes with “You’re moving with your auntie and your uncle in Bel-Air.”

But that hairstyle was deliberately chosen by her. She shaved her head. If she was sensitive about hair loss, she could’ve worn a wig, or a hat, or a turban, which are things she has done in public at other points in her hair loss. People are acting as if that mean Chris Rock ripped a wig off her head to humiliate her

I shamefacedly admit I forgot the line before “You’re moving with your auntie and your uncle in Bel-Air.”

This is probably a reference I don’t get, but he didn’t “get in a fight.” Someone hit him while he was on stage at a show. The reason the Oscars got scared is because they failed to do the most basic thing you do in response to that, and eject the person who did violence from the venue.

You, sir, are destined for disappointment.

Do you really believe that the Nazi doesn’t think of himself as the good guy, as well? Because I’d argue he doesn’t know that he’s a bad guy, either. He just knows that he’s a Nazi, albeit one who doesn’t seem to act on his Nazism (he seems to just collect gear and relics, which he keeps in secret) until he meets

I don’t think I agree with you there. I haven’t seen Falling Down since it was in heavy rotation on IFC in the aughts, but one thing I remember (or maybe misremember) about the scene was that it wasn’t clear to me that, for all his preparations, the Frederic Forrest character had actually ever taken violent racist

Apparently, Duvall had trouble with the powers-that-be on Lonesome Dove because he’d recruited a Native American for the part of Blue Duck, but the producers insisted on casting a white actor--supposedly Klaus Kinski and Rudolf Nureyev were being considered before they cast Forrest.

When I got a bit older it also made me feel a tad uncomfortable because it was as if the film is saying “Yeah D-FENS is racist but he’s not bad racist, like a Nazi is!”

Zack Snyder’s Justice League is an aberration largely caused by the pandemic, and wasn’t released (or releasable) in theaters. The Flash is a multiverse story, where the multiple versions of a character are kind of the point (plus, it’s legacy content from the previous administration).The rumors around the Flash are

People defiantly declaring they’re done apologizing for stuff they never actually apologized for is roughly 60% of FOX News’s content. Sad, but not exactly surprising, to hear that Putty’s one of those guys.