Rogers Aching Ticker

I’m pretty sure it was part of the whole “It’s Morbin’ Time!” campaign, where someone thought it would be funny to get Morbius trending on social media, creating the impression that Morbius had become a beloved cult classic with a strong following. Part of the joke was that when people would post about Morbius, they’d

For the birthday boy, sometimes. For the papier mache donkey? Less so.

It’s not ruffling feathers, it’s who wants to give someone a job that comes with guaranteed rape and death threats, when you could just cast them as a different character who won’t necessarily get those threats? 

If they recast, they give the 8chan types a pinata to swing at. If they kill Dune off, they breathe new life into Carano’s victimhood parade. Sure, ignoring her raises the possibility that someone could bring her back at some point, but then again, if someone was determined enough to bring Carano back, killing Dune

Well said. You don’t need to be prescient enough to know exactly what form the future revenue stream will take. You just need to be prescient enough not to accidentally give away any rights. And I think Stone and Parker’s early experience with digital piracy (apparently, the videos were so popular that someone at EA

Part of it is that Adams, like a lot of people on the MAGA bandwagon, speaks a weird word salad of alt right buzzwords and references. For example, parts of the quote is him rambling about how he “doesn’t identify as black anymore” and shit like that. I usually get annoyed by news stories not giving the quote that got

If we accept the Mandalorian for what it is—Knight Rider, just with a green alien baby instead of a talking car?—then the lack of a larger plan isn’t that big a deal.

Beyond the exclusivity claim, they supposedly promised HBO 30 new episodes over three seasons. They’ve delivered 8 episodes over two seasons so far, and look to deliver only 6 more, so less than half of what they promised. They blame COVID for shortening those two seasons, but they were still able to produce four

I’m betting that even in 1997 Parker and Stone had a pretty good idea that they would eventually be making money over the Internet. Online bootlegs of Santa vs. Jesus were an early viral phenomenon, and probably played a huge role in Comedy Central greenlighting South Park in the first place.

Reeves wanting it to be a trilogy (and the only time I saw that as news here was long before Gunn and Safran were brought on) isn’t the same thing as Gunn and WB being committed to three films. I also think that Gunn can say “Elseworlds” until he’s blue in the face, and people will still be confused if two unrelated

Yeah, it always seemed to me that the role of Winston survived because they had a handful of lines they’d written for Murphy that they couldn’t have any of the white characters say, and they thought were too good to cut.

Do you have a source on that? Because the only commitment Gunn’s made is the stuff already in process (TB2, the Penguin show). It’s possible that they could squeeze two The Batman installments between Superman Legacy and The Brave and the Bold (which doesn’t seem to have a scheduled date), but it would be pretty

I’ve never seen that version of the script, but the big thing (that it’s weird wasn’t mentioned in the article) was that the role was written for Eddie Murphy, which is why Winston was in the movie from the start, because Murphy’s star was on the rise. Murphy decided to do Beverly Hills Cop instead, and when he turned

The bigger question for me is, what happens if Gunn’s Superman Legacy comes out on schedule in July 2025, and doesn’t set the box office on fire, and Reeves’ The Batman 2 comes out three months later and creams Gunn’s Superman at the box office? Will WB still be down to sunset the Pattinson Batman at two movies and go

Shang Chi and Free Guy both had theatrical-only windows, and The Suicide Squad was available on HBO Max on the same day it opened. Not really a fair comparison.

Gunn’s first act is killing the DCEU (outside of his corner of it), and I think people should wait before declaring his new DCU a big success, since we haven’t actually seen any of it yet. Even having a lot of faith in Gunn’s creative abilities—which I do—Zaslav could still screw things up by messing with the budgets

Beyond that, it’s really hard to judge writers because we don’t see their uncredited work, all the polishes and script doctor work, and what we see on screen in movies they’re credited for is rarely just what was in the script they wrote, but what became of it after multiple polishes, studio notes, actor

I would love something that was closer to the books! However, I don’t think there’s any chance that they’re going to pass up the easy marketability of animated Toothless—hands down one of the coolest dragon designs ever—to make Toothless the tiny pathetic stuttering chaos maker he’s supposed to be.

Yeah, and one of the big deals after BP1 was that her character was a role model for science and girls of color. As for the possibility of Ye and Kyrie follies, I think she’s a slightly different, more evangical brand of conspiracy nutbag than they are, but the answer to that is the answer they should’ve gone with in

If a tree makes racist statements about Native Americans in the forest, and nobody hears it, did it make a sound?