Rogers Aching Ticker

I always liked Bale’s bat voice, particularly after Nolan added a bit of modulation to it after Begins’s theatrical run. Sometimes it sounded a bit silly, but I appreciated that Bale’s Bruce Wayne was the only cinematic Batman really employing countermeasures to protect his identity.

If it wasn’t for dead horses, the AV Club wouldn’t be beating anything.

I have it on good authority the Thunderbolts are only giving up draft picks in their Avengers trade. Any Eternals will be non-roster invitees to Spring Training.

Definitely the best Bruce Wayne. Not sure if he’s better with the cowl on than Keaton or Pattinson.

No joke! I wonder what fraction of Batgirl’s budget that Super Bowl ad slot cost.

Snyder never understood that the big impact of Superman becoming a bad guy comes from him being a ridiculously good guy, first. If Superman’s a benevolent god in the Big Blue Boy Scout mold, then him being driven to villainy is tragic, and heartbreaking. It’s the biggest swing in fortunes imaginable, Earth’s greatest

Up? No. Running? With freelancers and ChatGPT, why not? 

I get what you’re saying, and by me, the Robin that gets screwed most in this arrangement is Tim, who doesn’t have the name recognition of Dick or the second life that Dick and Jason Todd get as adult characters.

Oh, I don’t think anyone’s going to the movies for Miller, but if the movie’s an Aquaman-size hit, it’s going to be hard to fire Miller. It’s also worth remembering that, as much as a comic book movie can be, The Flash movie is a passion project for Miller, who reportedly kept it alive through various iterations,

The other terrible Schumacher movie with Val Kilmer and Ace Ventura Pet Detective.

He says there hasn’t been a “good female superhero movie yet” and then two sentences later says “Wonder Woman had a good first installment and a lousy second one” as if the first installment wasn’t a movie, or as if the second installment cancelled it out (admittedly, the second movie is pretty bad).

The guy who shitcanned it has given him and Safran the keys to the kingdom. I’m pretty sure those keys came with an obligation for both of them to happy talk the upcoming slate of non-Gunn DC movies the studio is already pot-committed to, and to have Zaslav’s back no matter what.

Dick Grayson has already had two movies and a live action TV show (since they haven’t been mentioned anywhere, I’m guessing it’s RIP Titans and Young Justice).

I suspect they will get around to finding a new Flash pretty quickly after the Flash movie comes out, unless it’s such an incredibly big hit that they feel they have to stick with him. It’s less about Miller being an indispensable actor as it is his movie being a sunk cost.

Cyborg went from being a unique character in New Teen Titans, to becoming the tofu of the DC Universe. 

The big question with the MCU right now is whether what ails it is people getting sick of shared universes, or if it’s the universe not being shared enough. The thing that really made Phase 1 seem shared was the promise of Avengers, a story that would bring all those characters together, at the end of it. Phases 2 and

Dwayne, we’re all happy that you’re here, but the fact is, no one wants to talk about the power hierarchy of the DC Universe right now. Also, please put that bottle of tequila away.

This feels like buildup where the characters of Damian Wayne and Jonathan Kent are going to be more of a focus than the characters playing Bruce and Clark in the long run. Wouldn’t be surprised if this phase um, chapter ends with the Justice League being defeated and the sons having to take up their fathers’ mantles.

Oh, I watched it plenty, for probably the same reasons, but it’s still Tiny Toons Dangerous Liaisons (h/t We Hate Movies), and a big part of the reason is that SMG’s performance feels like a Zucker Brothers parody.

Well, that’s the answer to that question, since SMG was pretty freaking horrible in Cruel Intentions, and it feels like a 100% chance that she would’ve tried to play Marla the exact same way.