Rogers Aching Ticker

The resemblance is strong enough that it makes you want to re-watch Newton’s big-screen debut, Flirting. Nico definitely got her mom’s cheekbones.

ChatGPT knows what “circumspect” is. It just intentionally misuses words every now and then to make people think a human being wrote the review.

One would think he’d closed out the category on Ziggys.

There’s a long tradition of white liberals whipping themselves with a wet noodle for being self-involved, clueless, or insufficiently genuine. The message isn’t usually that the concept of liberalism is stupid, it’s that the character is doing it wrong.

Not just Souza, but none of the other producers are charged, nor the prop master. Which indicates that Baldwin’s on trial only for his actions as an actor: fumbling a complicated draw and (possibly) pulling the trigger on a gun that was not supposed to have functioning ammunition in it. Unless there is more to the

Wait...all this time I thought it was actually the other guy’s mistress’s clitoris. Did I get some bad information there? Glad Orson took the time to straighten this out!

Prosecutors don’t typically bring cases they think they might lose. Whether the defendant is someone a jury is likely to sympathize with or not is a factor in their confidence of being able to win. The fact that a substantial portion of the jury pool might be predisposed to dislike Baldwin because: a) his politics and

If you think prosecutors don’t consider how a defendant (or witness, for that matter) will potentially play in front of a jury when making charging decisions, you’re out of your mind. It’s doubtful it was the main consideration in charging him (one suspects the guy who pleaded out for a slap on the wrist—the AD who

We’re not counting the one-shot wrench kill on the old lady? But yeah, I love that everyone else sells us on how dangerous 20 years later Joel is, when we’ve mainly seen him as the guy who needs his daughter to remind him to wake up in the morning. Robert’s so scared of him he doesn’t know what to do with Tess.

The real question is “What do they gain by airing it?” On TNT, it might have a slight effect on viewership levels, with maybe a some small future net gain of advertising dollars or basic cable fees. By not airing it, they can sell it off, giving them cash money right now they can use to keep from defaulting on their

I don’t think this is part of the same tax writeoff loophole. As I recall the reporting at the time, that was a time limited thing after the completion of the merger, and the cancellation of Batgirl and the Scooby-Doo movie was supposedly done near the deadline for WB/Discovery to exploit that loophole.

Hasbro picked a weird time to fuck around and find out with D&D fans, given that the D&D movie, which Hasbro and Paramount are counting on to launch a bunch of TV spinoffs, are set for release at the end of March. 

It’s also left on the table for later in the series, when discovering that people can get infected through spores, and not just contact with mycelia, could be a dramatic escalation of danger for the characters.

When Joel says the infected are mostly in the city, Sarah says that they take the old woman into the city all the time, for appointments at the hospital.

I haven’t played the game, but I do remember everyone talking about it (I was a sprightly fortysomething back then), and more recently talking about how much the casting for the show resembled the game. So the moment I saw the daughter (another “I can’t believe she’s not American,” Nico Parker, Thandie Newton’s real l

So the unhappy-looking guy with no fashion sense is insisting that only “all-male” M&M’s will ever again “pass his lips.”

Thanks for that link. Carano quotes like this:

I think Soderbergh likes to use Douglas in scenes where he’s acting opposite non-actors. Douglas’s plotline of Traffic he has a bunch of scenes where, as a fictional newly-appointed Drug Czar, he’s interacting with people who are real life government officials, DEA cops, and activists in various drug-related fields.

It reminds me of when there was the big discussion about holding back Wall Street bonuses in the aftermath of the 2008 financial collapse, on the idea that maybe an industry that had wrecked the economy and now needed to be bailed out by the government shouldn’t be giving fat bonuses to the folks who’d helped set so

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