Rogers Aching Ticker

Legal handling and emotional/moral handling are not the same thing, and are frequently incompatible with each other. On a legal front, the guy’s in the middle of a lawsuit, and cross-suits, finger-pointing, and asserting victimhood are solid and probably necessary tactical moves in that context. In the context of

Will be so disappointed if Prince Charles’s reaction to tampongate isn’t “The fuck did I do?”

Let’s be clear: those are the Americans that don’t fuck. Not fucking is the reason they are that way.

C’mon, now. When you’re driving by and there’s a smoking wreck on shoulder and debris all over the roadway, you look, too. 

Obviously. Plus, Mulder looks like the kind of guy who has to sprinkle that occult and alien stuff into his pillow talk, and Scully’s the kind of person who’ll stop whatever she’s doing to speak up on behalf of rationality:

It’s a testament to Bullock’s movie star charisma that in spite of making a bunch of crazy and dishonest decisions in that movie, her character is the always the most sympathetic person on screen. But yeah, you’d have to think that a male version of While You Were Sleeping ends with the main character being led away

Well, the one place where Hollywood’s been super comfortable over the years turning a potential romance into a platonic friendship is when that friendship is between a black man and a white woman. I still remember them casting arguably the two sexiest people then alive, Julia Roberts and Denzel Washington, in the

...or if they’d reversed the roles. Supposedly, the first draft of While You Were Sleeping had a male protagonist and a woman he was fixated on in a coma, and people realized that was just too creepy. But make Sandy Bullock the character with the creepy fixation, and now it’s kind of palatable.

It’s pretty impossible to unsee. It’s like Ezra put on a couple of pounds because someone kept them away from meth for a few weeks, and grew a scraggly beard.

I’ve heard a lot of Letterman’s “uh”s over the years, including the eight or so that preceded his saying her name. That wasn’t one of them. He just flubbed it--and then graciously apologized, which he’d do if he flubbed it.

He said it “Amaya.”

Where do you rank the Zack Snyder Watchmen schlong?

I know it’s just her resting voice and demeanor, but Heigl sounds like she wants to talk to the announcer’s supervisor.

Now playing

I think his apology is sincere (based on watching a fair bit of Letterman, back in the day) but even if it was sarcastic, it would have nothing on the gold standard of weird, bad, I-messed-up-your-name apologies:

Question (since I haven’t seen it yet) is it as good as Aquaman? Because that was the high end of my Black Adam expectations: that it would be kinda stupid, but with a charismatic lead performance, decent-to-good action, maybe a scene stealing villain or supporting turn (like Aquaman had with Yahya Abdul Mateen and,

I love how they characterize this as an “escalating feud” and end the video looking forward to “the next exchange of insults” between Whedon and Jeunet. At the current pace of this “escalating feud” Whedon’s reply should happen in 2040. I’m sure Whedon will have some saucy things to say on the heels of Micmacs’ 30th

Yeah, none of what Perry says sounds like she was trying to give him acting advice. It all sounds like she was having a hard time pretending that she was attracted to this puffed up buffoon and was hoping acting exercises (which he, predictably, doesn’t even seem to recognize) would help. Anyone with even a sliver of

Given that they apparently parachute him his Friends money if they can’t actually back up the truck to his house, there’s nobody with less to lose by burning bridges. The last time someone aimed a camera at him, his heart stopped. How does a production get insurance on him after that?

Isn’t it simpler than that? Perry was talking about River Phoenix when the Keanu lament first comes up. Matthew Perry may or may not be stuck in the past, but River Phoenix definitely is, because he died in 1993.

Maybe, but it wasn’t enough resentment to keep him from doing Guardians 3. I think the bigger story is that Gunn just got offered the equivalent of Kevin Feige’s job, something Marvel isn’t going to be in a position to offer for a while, at the very least.