Rogers Aching Ticker

I think it’ll be at least three years, but yeah, this seems likely. Not that I don’t have confidence in Gunn (he’s got the chops to have great ideas for DC’s characters and how to build a successful world, and a lot of blockbuster experience) but there’s no good reason to have faith in Zaslav, or his debt-ridden

Welcome to Clickbait(tm)! The game where we try to get you to click on stories that aren’t terribly interesting by intentionally misreading them, and putting that misreading in the title!

Thank you. That’s a lot more logic—and useful information—than others are bringing to this thread.

I greyed it because your reply was unnecessary. Why did you feel the need to reply to that comment too when I had already responded here?

Todd, I don’t think that’s a criticism that films aren’t getting reviewed here as much as a reflection that we have fewer cinematic releases these days than we did pre-Covid.

Did you get the comment you’re responding to greyed?

Furthermore, Littlefeather’s family contacted Keeler first to tell her, not the other way around, so what exactly did the reporter do wrong here other than to follow up on a lead that landed on her lap?

Did you follow the links in the article? Because the discrediting stuff isn’t AVC’s creation, it’s from the PowWows website link, which lays out a case against Keeler that seems pretty well-documented, indicating that she’s an overzealous advocate who frequently acts insensitively or recklessly (adding people who were

“Okay, so he did piss himself, a little. But it’s only a small stain! You can barely notice it! Great job!

He’s my favorite actor to play the Doctor, hands down. But I’m going to break nerd law and say, “Why do we have to choose?” They each scratch a different itch. I still haven’t seen Eccleston’s season, but I love Smith, adore Tennant, and will go to the mat for Capaldi. I even have a bizarre and strong affection for

I think what you’re really arguing is that the Rock needs James Gunn to direct him in a movie. Because Batista and Cena are better actors than Johnson...for James Gunn. I’ve seen Batista and Cena be good for other directors, but their best work has happened because Gunn tailored roles to their strengths, and found

That’s not even a terribly crude! That was less “fending off” and more just graciously saying no and everybody being fine with it.

It certainly could. It’s really hard to take down an arbitration award, and he’s lost the cases where he argued that there was basis for an arbitration appeal or for a court to invalidate the arbitrator’s decision. It’s worth remembering that the arbitration wasn’t just about the Rapp case (and the U.K. cases seem to

Do you have any idea how this stuff works? He has a collection of short stories out, and in those situations 10 will get you 5 that this is an interview set up by a publicist in support of the book. So a solicited interview (solicited by Moore), not some writer at GQ suddenly getting curious about what Alan Moore is

They say it in the article: there’s an AI character named Morpheus, played by Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, that was created by the Reeves character based on Fishburne’s character.

It’s a compliment, and the whole comment is kind of the perfect review of that movie: it could’ve been worse, but we were all hoping it would be better; regardless, it was good to see Reeves and Moss as those characters again.

Tywin deserved to get shot on the crapper, but killing your own dad (even if he’s having you falsely convicted of murder so that you’ll either die or have to join the Night’s Watch to avoid execution) is still outside of what we’d consider the acceptable rules of behavior. I mean, if you were on a date with someone

This is even easier than Spike on Buffy, because in Westeros even the noblest protagonists are straight-up killers. People loved Tyrion even after he murdered his dad on the shitter, and Jaime even after he crippled a child (and murdered his cousin, and raped his sister...). If that’s your baseline, it’s not that

If we believe him, the only one of those he had any real basis for knowing its quality was V for Vendetta (arguably the best of those three) since the Wachowskis sent Moore a draft of their script, and Moore savaged them in ways that suggested that he’d at the very least skimmed it.

Nobody needed a gun. What Harrison Ford discovered is that the only thing more embarrassing than people wanting you to be in endless Star Wars, Blade Runner, and Indiana Jones sequels was nobody really caring if you’re in anything. Once he hit that point, he was like “Sure, I’ll be in your sequel!” over and over