Rogers Aching Ticker

I feel like Ignatyi took the site’s sense of irony with him when he left. Not sure who kept custody of the sense of shame...

It’s weird that this article goes after Bale—who famously has gained and lost weight throughout his career for roles and who put on 40 pounds to play Cheney—rather than more obvious fat suit beneficiaries, like Gary Oldman (who got an Oscar for his fat suit Churchill, and didn’t do any substantial weight gain, because

....except if it turns out that people don’t like HotD, he’ll tell us all that they didn’t listen to him. 

Honestly, I’m not sure how Laenor is going to live life in the high style that he’s used to unless Seasmoke joins him in Pentos, so he can take the deal the Prince there offered Daemon and his sister.

Yeah, I could have sworn that in the first movie, when the Queen was on the run from Killmonger and they thought T’Challa was dead, the plan was for Nyong’o’s character to take the last heart-shaped herb, not Shuri.

Yep, Aemond heroically defended himself from a vicious pack of grade schoolers in mourning. I did like that he manned up at the end and told his mom “Let it go, an eye for the kingdom’s biggest dragon is a fair trade.”

And obviously, no one would notice a bald guy with a blue dragon called “Seasnake” because Laenor’s blue dragon is called “Seasmoke.” Totally different dude.

I’m guessing that Harwin is one of those “the seed is strong” guys like Robert Baratheon, whose dark hair will not be denied (GRRM even gave him the family name Strong, for good measure). I think the main reason Viserys and Alicent’s kids get the ultra-Targaryen features (and that Daemon’s girls are the spitting image

Not just that, GoT often went to ridiculous lengths to not show the dragons or direwolves any more than necessary. I’d be curious to know how many seconds per show minute of VFX HotD has compared to GoT overall. I’ll gladly take slightly less detailed dragon CGI in exchange for more dragon action overall.

I love the Talk of Thrones crew, but they do make mistakes (many of Chris’s mistakes are running jokes on the podcast) and that’s with three of them talking and prepping to catch each other’s errors, and two of them being expert-level book readers. It’s also unclear if the preview and explainer sections are always

I agree with your points in general, but I will point out that HotD issues advance screeners to many reviewers. Dunno if AVC LA’s freelancers get them, but if the review was posted at 10PM eastern, it’s a good guess that Jenna watched this in advance.

I think this is part of the problem: the showrunners are a little too confident that the audience will be watching supplemental materials, listening to podcasts, and maybe purchasing GRRM’s history text to figure out what actually happened in each episode. Easter eggs are a great treat for fans in the know, but

That wasn’t a lot of gold. I’m guessing the plan is that Seasnake (Laenor’s dragon) will follow him to Pentos, and Prince whatshisname will give Laenor the same deal he offered Daemon and Laena: vast amounts of gold and not minding at all that he and Qarl are gay in return for dragon protection. It makes sense, but it

It’s not Corlys’s brother--the rando didn’t have the family’s silver hair. Also, we see the brother in the next episode preview.

People keep invoking guest rights on this, but Cole wasn’t the host at the Red Keep, and he wasn’t acting on the host’s orders. Under this thinking, just about every drunken brawl gone wrong would be a violation of someone’s guest rights.

Yeah, I know and was just playing around, but I understood a little bit where OP was coming from. The way the scene’s directed, it doesn’t really look like a mother showing affection for a child, it looks more like the moment before a makeout scene (although, to be fair, Weaver’s playing the scene against a

...and with Charles Dance. But it wasn’t a threesome. It was two separate movies. And the one in Alien: Resurrection wasn’t really sex scene. It was more like cuddling. Not with Charles Dance, though. That was a total rawdog situation.

I think everybody forgets that Into Darkness was the third Trek movie in a row to “borrow” a lot from Wrath of Khan:

I think Viserys survived because someone finally had the bright idea of amputating that left arm, which looked septic in the previous episode.

The two procedures that might’ve been used to save her, the emergency caesarian section and intact dilation and extraction, seem to be outside of the maester’s abilities (at least, not without killing the mother). Pregnancy without the benefits of modern medicine can be really scary business. Plus, when your doctor