Rogers Aching Ticker

There isn’t any rule that prevents them from marrying due to incest. Targaryens sometimes marry siblings (Alicent’s dad suggested that to Viserys, trying to marry off little kid Aegon to his half-sister Rhaenyra). Rhaenyra’s own mom and dad were first cousins.

Mushroom had a non-speaking part (playing drums, I think?) in the wedding episode. Apparently, Considine specifically asked the showrunners to include the character in the episode.

The timeline’s a bit muddy, but in the books Lilly Potter dies at the age of 21, so I think the proper age for a contemporary of theirs is supposed to be 32 or so at the beginning of Philosopher’s Stone. Oldman, Thewlis, and (if they’d gotten him) Roth would have worked because they’re all roughly the same age, even

And finally, there are the theme parks. Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge and Marvel’s Avengers Campus, immersive worlds at the Disney resort and elsewhere, likely wouldn’t exist if Pandora: The World of Avatar hadn’t come first

Exactly. It’s pretty much a latter-day This is Cinerama, another movie that was a tech demo for theater technology. But this article is pretty much the status quo for AVC LA: studios making money off 3D and theme parks is what they think “culture” is—not, you know, people actually remembering the story, or holding

This is so good, I read it in five different Aidan Gillen accents.

Devil’s Advocate is a tawdry movie, but it spends a weirdly large chunk of its runtime trying to convince us that Theron isn’t all that fuckable (at least, not compared to Connie Nielsen).

A ceremonial Easy-Bake Oven? What, does the light bulb not work?

Thinking back on some musicians who’ve done well as actors, a lot of the time the stuff that they’re good at as actors isn’t what you’d expect from their stage persona. David Bowie on stage was famously sexy and hedonistic, but as an actor, the main thing that stood out about him was that he always seemed thoughtful.

It’s a great double feature with Simmons’s turn in Runaway.

The funny thing is, some of these people had decent-to-good turns as actors, usually based on the twin blessings of 1) small roles where they weren’t overexposed, and 2) playing against type. Mariah wasn’t good starring as a fictionalized version of herself in Glitter, but she’s great as an exhausted social services

Isn’t that Michael Bay? Dude’s camera spent so much time lingering on her ass that I think Transformers 1 might count as a colonoscopy.

On the romance side, IIRC, the verdict was that the romance with the female sniper was probably true, but the love triangle with the jealous political officer (Joseph Fiennes), which drives the last act of the movie to a surprising degree, seems to have been made up.

Well, he did break the neck of the only guy who’d ever beaten him before. But I hear his nutritional advice is also very much on-point.

From what I understand of this story, it seems more like making Saving Private Ryan and not addressing Jim Crow or the fact that U.S. troops in WWII were racially segregated. In general, we allow American WWII films to tell the stories they want to tell, presenting American soldiers as heroic, even though America

AOL: So you mean there’s a chance we’ll get back together?

It’s close. I think the actual one is “This is a rebellion, isn’t it? I rebel.”

I agree, it was definitely a crisis by 1984 that should have had full public attention at that time, and didn’t, because the people perceived to be affected were “others”—gay men and intravenous drug users. People in healthcare, particularly in urban areas, knew it was a crisis. But the public in general wasn’t

I know people hate that line, but I had an odd hope that it would work in the movie, much like the similar line from Matrix Reloaded where Morpheus reminds his fellow Captains that they all share an “affinity for disobedience.”

There were massive reshoots to Rogue One, written and directed by Tony Gilroy. They were notable because a lot of the dialogue and scenes featured prominently in the movie’s teaser and early trailers were not in the finished film, and people wondered why. In part because of this, there were a ton of leaks about how