Rogers Aching Ticker

I don’t know BLR’s deal, but a lot of parodists (like Weird Al, for example) get permission from the copyright holders and work out royalty deals with them in advance. Even without permission, the Church Hamilton would probably fail a “threat of confusion” test because their rewrite doesn’t seem obvious enough to

Well, to be fair, they also don’t want their co-star telling the press afterward that they grabbed their ass wrong in a sex scene, which is the kind of thing that choreographing the scene in advance with the coordinator is supposed to prevent. But I think the intimacy coordinators that are going to be successful in

He probably doesn’t feel that way about fight coordinators, who’ve been a thing on movie sets his whole career. I’m sure, however, that in the early days when fight coordinators were fairly new, there was some actor bellowing “I DUELED WITH ERROLL FLYNN! I do NOT need some Austrian twit telling me how to hold a

I like Jackson and I’m glad if he’s happy with the projects he’s doing and the money he’s already banked, but his last five fiction outings have left a considerable bad taste in everyone’s mouth, and I don’t think documentaries are going to wash that out.

Doing the math, she’s supposed to be in her mid or late 30s during the story’s present day. However, she’s definitely drawn as a mature woman by Gibbons—still very attractive, but not model-thin or gymnast-fit, if that makes sense. Even at the age of 30, Ackerman’s more convincing as teenage Laurie than older Laurie.

She lost her glasses! It was physically impossible for her to see that weirdo she married!

...only all the ones you’d ever want to meet.

Really? It feels harsh to say that you and Fallon need to see more movies, but a lot of films spring to mind where actually seeing the characters have sex is relevant (sometimes even vital) to the plot and to character development. Random ones just off the top of my head: Don’t Look Now; Fatal Attraction; Bull Durham;

If I thought that Christopher’s criticisms were driving any of the creative direction of the Amazon show, I’d be a lot less excited about it. His criticisms showed that he had no feel for film adaptation or film as a medium. I suspect opposition to Jackson’s involvement has more to do with the estate’s lawsuits and

Absolutely agree with the larger point about people not “getting” art as weak criticism, and with the idea that Barsanti’s day job as Newswire scold has damaged his reputation as a critic (weirdly, I don’t think that same stink has adhered to Hughes’ critical pieces).

Yeah, I heard the same—that because of its budget Batgirl was short on action, and then the budget ballooned anyway because of covid, leading to a movie that looked cheap but actually wasn’t. Weirdly, the one aspect I’ve seen singled out as cheapest-looking is Keaton’s bat-suit, which is supposedly the same one he

If Flash was amazing—as a bunch of leaks have claimed—then you’d think it would be worth fixing Batgirl rather than shitcanning it. Batgirl was supposed to be the logical follow up to Flash, an active part of writing the DCEU’s next chapter. It’s probably just easier for Zaslav to kill projects in streaming (his

It might be manufactured drama, but having a social relationship with your boss and their significant other can get extremely awkward when your boss decides to take up with someone else. The “not even third party” can find themselves stuck in the middle of the mess and even accused of complicity in a situation where

Damn! There go my hopes that it would be based on Secret Wars II. Was looking forward to the Beyonder, dressed like he’s an extra on Miami Vice, using Peter Parker’s bathroom.

I feel like the best recasting move would be to have some multiverse shenanigans where a new T’Challa comes from a universe where T’Chaka adopts Erik Stevens after N’Jobu dies in a shootout with American police. Because T’Challa and Queen Angela Basset haven’t been able to conceive in this universe, N’Jadaka is

The context for this seems to be that Siegel reported that Snyder cut Clemons out of Justice League before he left the project, which complicates the Snyder cult’s claim (a claim repeated and magnified by Ray Fisher) that the theatrical cut (and everybody involved in it) is racist for cutting people of color out of

They covered it when the miniseries was announced back in January:

Be fair: they were very busy recycling stories from the Gray Man junket, too busy to recycle non-junket news items.

...of all the movies not to cast Jai Courtney in! Or did I mean Sam Worthington?

Laughable idea or not, that was what Snyder was selling to people. That’s why the slogan was “Release the Snyder Cut” instead of “Give us $75 million and a year and we’ll give you a better (but still not very appealing) movie.”