Rogers Aching Ticker

It’s an argument that convinces you of the opposite side. This is the best opposition research the Snyder goons can come up with? 

...except a few have three times as many as the others.

Actually, by continuing the Wonder Woman/Batman flirtation from BvS, the theatrical cut outright contradicted Wonder Woman 84, which posits that even after 100 years Diana could never imagine starting to move on from Steve Trevor (ZSJL is consistent with WW84). Given that Wonder Woman 84 isn’t one of the more fondly

If the reporting is accurate, the timing and content of Fisher’s posts makes a lot more sense than it does otherwise, as does Warner’s responses.

Snyder got a year and a reported $75 million budget to complete his “totally finished, you just have to release it” Snyder Cut and he had no runtime limit, so the thing could be four hours long. This is compared to the six months and $25 million Whedon had to reshoot and finish the theatrical, which had a hard 2 hour

And also: “If you’re disabled we can repurpose your brain so that the ship can have an awesome navigational computer!”


Habits, once formed, are really hard to break, even if the reason you initially formed them is totally gone (and Covid isn’t). It’ll take work to form new habits that feel more like the life you want to live.

Are you saying the murcielago medio crudo nachos isn’t a solid snack option at my local AMC?

Nice username/comment synergy you’ve got there.

Honestly, the audio might be the only saving grace of watching something on a portable, so long as you’ve got headphones on. There’s a lot of things that I’ll catch on headphones that the soundbar on my TV won’t make audible unless I turn up the volume to ear-bleeding (and apartment building-unfriendly) levels.

So sorry about your mother-in-law. Being young and otherwise in good health is apparently a big advantage when rehabbing after a brain injury, which is probably a factor in Clarke’s recoveries. But still, she was tremendously lucky. My brother’s girlfriend had an aneurysm at the age of 20, and was brain dead by the

It isn’t vague at all. Judging creative works (or history, for that matter) based on Bill O’Reilly’s capacity for misinterpreting them isn’t ever a good idea.

“...and none of the other ones wrote an angry top-ten hit about me! They mostly just became yoga instructors, as far as I can tell.”

Be fair: she might have been brainwashed or enslaved (there’s no low age limit on those things) although admittedly there’s no evidence of that. However, if you’ve listened to the song, she’s declaring pretty clearly that she was fooled. Coulier may not have set out to do her dirty—he claims to be surprised that this

“I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations”

—AV Club LA

Yeah, Blake Lively’s a pretty nice consolation prize to take away from your superhero film flop.

So they’re Weekend at Bernies-ing my Uncle ‘Shack? That’s some sad shit.

Nah. I know my Uncle ‘Shack. I go over to ask for my fifty back, he’ll spin me some story about how he needs to borrow $20 more from me so he can meet up with this guy in Jersey City who owes him $500 from a bet on the NBA finals, so he’ll totally be able to give me my all money back, with interest... Probably not