Rogers Aching Ticker

Not to agree with RadioShack’s Chief Marketing Officer, but before this news I was 97% sure that RadioShack was no longer in business. It’s like discovering that an uncle who you’d been told died shortly after you lent him $50 was in fact still alive. And...discovering this by him tweeting, “If you find a squirter

Weirdly, Lilly’s anti-vaxx position has only been mentioned once here, back in March 2020, while AV Club has dinged Wright for similar (actually, in some ways milder) stuff repeatedly. Part of that is because there was speculation Wright’s vaccination status impacted the production of Wakanda Forever, but it was

The problem with both of those things is that they’re based more on stuff that we’ve been told in the press than things we’ve seen to get excited by in any of the movies. Even though Kang’s a long-established Avengers villain (and made an appearance on Loki’s D+ show) he doesn’t have a particularly strong connection

That was the way I felt going into Ragnarok, particularly since Marvel had insisted on stopping Age of Ultron cold for, essentially, a very uncompelling Thor 3 teaser. That said, Ragnarok was rather delightful and different, and the Mighty Thor arc that they’re doing in this movie is something I enjoyed in the comics.

Well, it’s no Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole, if that’s what you’re getting at.

I think The Princess was the only Hulu original on that list. The only other 2022 movie was the Bob’s Burgers movie. Everything else on the list was at least a decade old.

To be fair to Brocolli, they essentially gave Halle Berry a backdoor pilot for her own movie series with Die Another Day. It wasn’t a good movie or performance, but it was a legitimate attempt to diversify the franchise.

I think that when Silver Fox Turturro is the hottest of the three people mentioned, you may have had a headline fail.

No argument that Mia’s no saint. However, she was already 19 when she and Sinatra met (at a time when women marrying by 19 was common, albeit not typically to 50-year-olds), so you’d need a very expansive definition of grooming to claim that he groomed her. In any case, it’s not the same thing as meeting your

Yeah, we haven’t faced the real test of how much Dylan speaking out has hurt his viability as a filmmaker, because he hasn’t released anything resembling a good movie in a very long time, so it’s hard to tell if people staying away is moral condemnation, or just recognition that his movies aren’t good anymore. If the

Frank Sinatra was not the parent of any of Farrow’s siblings, I don’t think, so the situation isn’t quite the same. Allen had children whose mental health was harmed by their father romantically pursuing and marrying their sister, all because Allen couldn’t accept something that any adult should understand: you don’t

Most likely answer? Bad writing to avoid explaining why Evans wasn’t making an appearance in F&WS. Bucky, in particular, doesn’t seem like the sort to use ambiguous euphemisms where blunt language would suffice. Also, I think I’d feel sad if my friend and coworker aged 70 years in a minute and retired, even if they

He could’ve signed on because it was an easy couple of days’ work, and because it might somewhat satisfy the fans who’ve been calling for him to get the role a bit, without him having to make a huge commitment. Dunno about Krasinski specifically, but some actors are put off by the idea of having a longterm Marvel

Or, he lived under the radar for 70 years, and his friends respected that decision enough not to blow up his spot, so they told everybody that Steve never returned from his time-travel journey to restore all the stuff they’d borrowed from the timeline, which was technically true. So the world presumes him dead.

Dammit, Nilus! You’ve gotten us all sentenced to Rainn Wilson! And that is one doodle that can’t be undid, home-skillet!

There is an open question of how many (if any) of the people he was “next to” were ever actually in his presence (as the article points out, Olsen never met the man) which might put a dimmer on his performance.

Not to mention three different Aunts May, spanning a roughly 25-year age range.

That...could actually work, maybe?


I hope so, but I doubt it. Beyond the accusations, Whedon’s never been shy about criticizing other creatives and studios he’s worked with, from the guys who directed the Buffy Movie and Alien Resurrection straight through Marvel after Ultron. Studios might put up with that if you have a large and dedicated fanbase or