Rogers Aching Ticker

Kinja issues—the system made it look like you were responding to a different comment in this thread, so I responded to that. Wouldn’t have bothered responding if I’d known what you were actually on about.

He’s an asshole. Me also being an asshole isn’t a proper response. Also, it’s not so much for Miller (who I doubt is reading this) as for all the other folks who have preferred pronouns, which I genuinely attempt to use as a matter of simple consideration.

My avatar’s Roger Sterling so...great detective work, I guess? Never claimed my opinion is scientific evidence. However, Pew, polling two years after latinx was added to the English dictionary, found more than three-quarters of U.S. Hispanics had never even heard of it, and only 3% use it. Of the 23% who’d heard of

No, I in total actuality screwed up in the previous post and typed “his,” instead of “their” which I did not intend to do.

I’d hope not, but then again, you can multiverse your way out of anything these days.

...and apologies to Ezra Miller on being slow with the edit button and not correcting that “he.” Not intended as an insult or a microaggression, just me writing in a distracted environment.

Yeah, but the bigger point is that’s an issue with the use of pronouns in general. We almost always have to be careful when using any pronouns or it can get confusing. That issue is not restricted to “they.”

It’s a weird double standard. Ezra Miller gets to choose his pronouns, but the same people who are militant about pronouns are also militant about only calling me “they” when they reference my ethnicity. I’m fine with calling someone Latinx if they state that as their preference, just as I’m fine with calling

Yeah, there was the Gal Gadot thing. Which was handled on set at the time, and then, once Fisher basically appropriated the Gadot incident into his Justice League complaint (and there’s no indication that he got Gadot’s consent to put that laundry out in public) had to be handled again by jettisoning Whedon from The

I have a horrible feeling that if the rumors that Marvel’s talking to Cruise are true, Logan’s the character they’re talking about. I hope not, but I think they’d start crowing “Look! We got you a short Wolverine, like you always wanted!”

I’m not sure about never hearing a bad early screening review tweets—I’m pretty sure we have seen pre-embargo negative responses. The big difference is probably that Disney PR probably packaged many of these tweets for folks like Hattie to write about. Also, people tweeting early praise tend to write in Peter Travers

It makes me wonder, why “one” didn’t take as a genderless preferred singular pronoun rather than “they?” Like “they,” it’s already used as a pronoun so you cut down on the startup costs of minting a new word, but because it’s used much less (as a pronoun, at least) than “they” it might cut down on confusion.

Exactly. It’s the same issue as using “he” or “she” when two or more people referenced use one of those pronouns. It’s easy to fall into “She said to her,” constructions where you can lose which party is saying something and which one is listening. It gets a little more complicated with “they” because of the fact

Introducing a new generation heroes is helpful, but the act itself has a whiff of accounting to it, given that so many of the new heroes being introduced are explicitly legacy heroes. By the end of this phase, every original Avenger aside from Iron Man will have a more or less same-named replacement (and I wonder if

This phase has screamed of a lot of post-Endgame accounting. Like Feige was clearing out the remaining things he had on post-it notes stuck on his whiteboard. Things like “We promised Scarlet a movie, guess we can just make it a prequel,” “The Inhumans really crapped out on us...maybe the Eternals? They’re pretty much

I was being a bit unfair—the Indiewire piece that’s linked, where he goes from these anecdotes to talking about the movie he has coming out, makes him sound rather precious about himself. However, I didn’t realize is that this is the second newswire item here about this particular podcast episode, the other being the

Peggy’s her great-aunt, not her mom. The only difference is that in this new timeline, she eventually winds up kissing her great-uncle on the mouth, and somehow doesn’t realize that he looks a lot like Captain America.

A friend of mine who used to cover football referred to those types as “any hole will do” guys. They don’t consider themselves gay or bi because they’re using someone else’s holes, not the other way around.

Steve not wanting to be de-aged is on-brand for him. He made the decision to stay in the past with Peggy, and he’d probably feel that being de-aged would be like taking that decision back. 

Nice work! And if someone says that to you, and you’re standing next to Michelle freakin’ Pfeiffer, I don’t think that’s anything to get offended about.