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What this article calls, for the sake of avoiding copyright infringement, “bitingly sarcastic congratulations” are referred to in the original article as “her condescending seal of approval.” So I’m guessing that Cooper thought she was patronizing him, and then, because he sounded confused, maybe she thought he was so

He’s just sad the Depp/Heard trial is over. 

Eddie Redmayne...has, like Hanks, called his decision to star in the film as a straight man “a mistake.

People were watching his specials before he was this controversial. While staying in the news may be gratifying for an aging comedian, you have to wonder how much of a coincidence there is to Netflix’s future looking a lot grimmer in the quarters after The Closer made all that news than it was before.

So you’re saying that if Jurassic World Dominion tops the box office and we can somehow get Janet Jackson’s That’s The Way Love Goes back on the charts, we’ll at least be safely back in the Clinton Era?

Obviously, in the case of your purely hypothetical example, the answer is Scientology owns both of your life stories now, and if you disagree, you may wind up having an unfortunate accident, or else being legally harassed to oblivion.

It’s part and parcel of the Katie Rife-style reviews which are pretty core to AVC LA, where the review is mainly a plot summary annotated with cultural grievances and/or thumbs ups. Weirdly, that style spoils movies/shows that the reviewer likes harder than it does things that they don’t. And most of the freelance

That CGI looks like the Rock was transforming, both into a giant scorpion and into Jesse Pinkman.

It seems like they’re finally getting off the whole “this time, it’s the series’ final hurrah,” thing that they’ve tended to do since Scream 3, so if they’re smart, writing Campbell out is more along the lines of what you’re saying than killing her off-camera. Campbell may have decided not to be part of Scream 6, but

Testimony is evidence. The victim of an act counts as a witness to that act. Photos of bruises and contemporaneous text messages mentioning an act of abuse are also evidence. And you don’t have to take my word on what she proved or didn’t prove in the U.K.—the court in the U.K. saw the evidence from both sides and

Read Cattrall’s response to Parker. There is absolutely no indication that she would have accepted much less preferred a phone call, video call, or whatever else you imagine from Parker. This wasn’t an etiquette issue, this was a matter of two people not liking each other (or at least, one person not liking the other).

Yep. And honestly, I think that you emphasize Keaton even more in the ad campaign, and then throw in a scene at the end where Flash is safely back home from his multiversal adventure, he takes off the mask, looks in the mirror...and *gasp* it’s not Ezra Miller’s face anymore!

Well, that’s a flat-out lie. I don’t know about depositions, but it’s a matter of public record that Heard testified in the UK case:

I don’t doubt for a second that Burton, if hired, would’ve eventually been great. Sadly, Burton’s right in that he never seems to have been under serious consideration for the job, regardless of how he performed. Richards created a Dick Cheney candidate search committee.

This is the one. Particularly if it’s a woman that you can turn into the online world’s piñata. It’s kind of crazy how even sites that are supposedly “woke” (like the Root and Jezebel) would eagerly pick up trial takes that seemed to come directly from Depp’s publicist (like the “she stole her testimony from Rihanna”

Which time? Because that was the philosophy I tried to follow during the UK case, where there was a verdict, and I thought “Great! I can have an opinion now!” But then all the Depp-heads wanted a do-over, despite the fact that I wanted to go back to ignoring it.

Did George Steinbrenner teach you?

...after she’d already proven that she was abused in England. Which Depp fans and MRAs will pretend doesn’t count, now, because they like this result more. If those seven Virginians had found in her favor, he’d just find a way to sue again, and that suit would be the one that really counts.

Yeah. The process was rigged, but when you’ve campaigned for a job as long and hard as Burton did, there’s no excuse not to knock your tryout out of the park. It was a short stint buried where people were least likely to see it, but I’m thinking that Richards breathed a sigh of relief when Burton wasn’t great in that

Guaranteed, the folks who made all those direct-to-streaming films with Bruce Willis over the past few years still need/want a famous face to photoshop onto their movie posters, so there’s no chance that Johnny Depp goes without work, if he wants it. Also, despite the place’s reputation, there’s a fair number of