Rogers Aching Ticker

“I certainly hope this is as cheap as it looks!”

Yeah, this smells of “contractual obligation to a network we’re trying to sell.” Still, I wouldn’t bet against a big “reveal” that Turner Whateverhisnameis is actually Talia Al Ghul’s son, since this seems almost too cheap not to have that twist in mind (and random whitebread kid protagonist actually being a

Honestly, it was more a shot at bags than at dirt. Plants grow in dirt.

I’m sure he has some YouTube videos where Laura Dern is making a ridiculous face!

Fukunaga certainly seems to be a dirtbag, and he has a reckoning coming because the workplace shouldn’t ever be the boss’s dating pool. However, Nick Cuse is a middle-aged man, I think older than Fukunaga is. How the hell does he get to invoke grooming, as if he was in grade school? What the hell is his excuse for

Your description above reminded me of living in Boston. I did graduate courses at night, and when I’d get home, the only store that was open was a decent-sized walk away from my apartment. And invariably on the walk home I’d wind up walking behind some young white woman who’d start acting as if I was Jason Voorhees,

Was The Mountain Between Us really so successful that someone said “Y’know, Idris, we need to turn this into a genre—people hanging out with you and then winding up stuck in nature.” Honestly, given that he’s once again a doctor fighting nature, they could’ve just made this a sequel (SPOILERS for The Mountain Between

It’s because they think this case will prove for one and for all that it’s the WOMEN who are the abusive ones, always mouthing off to men, and making men hit them, and pull guns on them,,,and then they take away your guns! Can you believe that? They take away your guns, violating your rights, that are in the

Thank you. If everyone wants to protect Dave’s ability to be a public anti-trans bigot, he could at the very least bother to craft the joke correctly.

I get the idea that you need some vehicle noise—there are plenty of EVs out there that you won’t hear until they’re close enough to hit you. Maybe it’s because I live in a city, but the vast majority of motorcyclists I see a) aren’t terribly safety-minded in general and b) tend to make noise in inverse proportion to

They’re more for the bike/car owners themselves. One thing that became clear during the pandemic is how many people buy motorcycles in order to own a giant noisemaker that they can incidentally use to travel from place to place.

Sadly, even though the trial took last week off, the Depp Cult and Fox News didn’t, so I was still constantly bombarded with notifications for this bullshit on Youtube and elsewhere.

The arrogance of man is thinking nature is in our control, and not the other way around. Let them fight!

I’d normally agree with you, but I’m not sure the show does. Leo’s argument amounts to “I only have a few years where I can do this, and I have the whole rest of my life to be with you.” But the job almost kills him (he has a massive heart attack when Bartlett asks him to resign), and even after quitting as chief of

Famously, during one of the presidential debates Perry repeated his campaign promise to get rid of three Cabinet-level departments, and then brainfarted when trying to name them. He was able to spit out Education and Commerce, and couldn’t remember the name of the department he would later head. I think one of the

It’s not for nothing that the picture of him looks exactly like Dr. Evil from Austin Powers.

It’s a weird look because the headpiece pretty clearly evokes the green screen suit Vikander wore for her breakout role in Ex Machina.

I think in Iran, for purposes of determining plagiarism or defamation, “the religious authorities” are simply the courts. It also seems (according to the IndieWire piece) that the prison and/or lashes everyone so breathlessly reported for defamation are very rare penalties, and that people who lose a defamation case

Saw both Conan and Red Dawn in theaters.

West Wing soared before G.W. Bush was president.