Sounds kinda messy...
Sounds kinda messy...
Oh yea, a train can definitely lock up it’s wheels but it’s a very bad thing to do as it results in flat wheels. You may have heard random freight cars making an annoying “THUMPTHUMPTHUMP” as they went past you at a crossing, that’s a flat wheel, and flat wheels are very hard on the track structure.
It’s called “mass” and freight trains got a metric shit ton of it.
“Tingle” isn’t exactly the word I’d use...
I’m older than you (54) and hate those things and don’t drive a Buick, for whatever that’s worth :) .
I liked those when I was a kid way back when, now they repulse me.
I guarantee that jackwad trucker went the way his damn GPS told to. I see it fairly regularly on a parkway I use to drive to work every day, a parkway with a 10 ton limit. “Hurrdurr, mah GPS toad me ta go dis way so I done gone dis way”... idiots.
You, sir, have won teh Interwebz. Have a star.
One only believes that if they have the IQ of a cannoli. Which you apparently do.
There’s a shitload of blame to spread around and both parties are equally responsible for this shitstorm.
Nope. Russia had enough nukes to destroy humanity, NK may or may not have enough to destroy Peoria.
What, is it the Hand of God that keeps everything from floating away in Texas?
High maintenance, too.
$2500.00 is “What the hell, why not?” money so NP. Lose the tacky bling-bling wheels tho.
Didn’t know about that issue.
They used to be everywhere here in n.e. Ohio but they’re all but extinct now.
Forgot about that :) .
I don’t think your going to find one of those under $20k for a quite a while...
They are reliable... you can rely on them to blow head gaskets regularly.