
*urge to build a car with a 500ci big block + giant blower intensifies*

Depending on how stupid this ban is (and I’m sure it will pass several layers of stupid) I’m going to have to seriously consider moving out of CA.

I’m hoping the ban won’t also ban hybrids. I just have no interest living in boring future with boring AF EVs.

My god, I cannot imagine a world without internal combustion engines. Liquid fuel is just so damn easy, it’s hard to see anything changing so quickly. And right now with so much of our electricity being produced by coal, it’s hard to imagine any significant change on the net CO2 output. Internal combustion coupled

This just won’t work. If CA were to ban the sale of new ICE cars, then residents would just go to Arizona and buy them, then what? Its not like they can ban vehicles from other states from entering the state. Also, there are a lot of car companies, jobs, and people who would be adversely affected by the concept of

Touch screen everything. While it looks pretty and all, it’s not the best way to interact with the vehicle. I will say some function can be move to the screen, but some function should still have physical interaction.

Lexus’ Predator face

Remember in 1990 when California decided they could mandate vehicles be zero-emissions, and then physics happened?

Well that’s just a little hyperbolic.

“why China can do this and not California.”

That should be a flag that it’s not a good idea at this stage. Let the demand come naturally, let the best idea win instead of trying to pick a winner from on high.

...and yet, Jerry Brown/California has doubled-down on exactly this strategy. Except those new taxes go into the general fund because the state is broke. Democrats in the state have never seen a tax they didn’t like--because getting more of other people’s money is easier than sticking to a budget and being a

California is big on putting up ultimately impotent bills to make a point, and this seems like another case of that if it happens. I can’t fathom even a left wing administration allowing a state to ban not just a product but a major mode of transportation.

So you’re saying to take one of the largest states we have, and ban combustion engine cars in it...

That’s hilarious. I honestly voted for Johnson. I could care less about liberal or conservatives, the whole political system is broken.

Because Trump is the “awful singularity” from which nothing can escape.

But with VW thanks.

Because its Donald Trump, and Donald Trump insists on being in every conversation ever. I was reading a Road and Track article a few weeks back. The article had no political references, but there was Donald Trump in my Road and Track article.

Question asked...question answered. Umkay?

That 3 door hatch looks so good! Why can’t we have nice things?