
The Boys predates P&R.

I’ve already seen a few rumors that Disney is looking at VOD for Black Widow.

There’s been a few iterations of Cheetah in the comics. The Golden Age versions were women in cat-print costumes while more recent ones have actually been part animal/hybrid creature of some sort. Be interesting if they work all of this history into one.

And remember that COSMOS revival that Neil DeGrasse Tyson hosted? That was MacFarlane’s, too.

I still love Fitz, but you are not wrong

I was under the assumption this appearing like clothing was just a toy manufacturing limitation rather than an actual jumpsuit, but who knows. 

I’m just glad they actually got to know they were ending. 

If this happens during the Shield finale I may lose my mind.

I think this is one of Agents of SHIELD’s best seasons, though I don’t think they have yet surpassed s4. But almost nothing has.

Imperator Furioas style Ms. Frizzle...

Gotta say I’m impressed that Warner Bros has kept Cheetah’s look a secret given that we were supposed to see the movie two months ago already.

“This is the last mission together, isn’t it?”

My personal conspiracy theory is that they haven’t shown us any transformed versions is because they are still finalizing the design so it doesn’t look like Cats.

You sure ‘bout that?

In conversation with InStyle Magazine, Kristen Wiig revealed her transformation into Cheetah will be gradual, including “different evolutions” leading up to her ultimate form.

“the unlikely partnership of Brannon Braga and Seth McFarlane.”

[holding back tears]

Gotta say I’m impressed that Warner Bros has kept Cheetah’s look a secret given that we were supposed to see the movie two months ago already.

Finally, a new trailer for Wednesday’s two-hour series finale of Agents of SHIELD looks back on the show’s history.

As much as I am looking forward to the A0S series finale, I am really not looking forward to the AoS series finale. Having watched it from the very beginning, It is one of the few shows I always made time for. With that in mind, it is now time to integrate SHIELD back into the MCU....somehow.