
For reference, in case people don’t know, that’s a Decepticon from the Transformers movies. Just to stem the tide of outrage someone might experience upon seeing that.

I’d say that the fact you were able to describe it (the missing lower jaw, and the elongated upper teeth) is enough to say that yes, that is trademarkable.  

...Which raises the question of “at what point does a regular ol’ human skull become THE Punisher logo?”

PreHydra Steve was not a fan. They might as well have just put tribal tattoos on their uniforms and drive Hummers.

The curious thing to me is that Marvel/Disney hasn’t cracked down harder on all the free use of the Punisher Skull...

“Why do they keep complaining about us using excessive force and killing people too much? Hey, let’s use the Punisher logo on our cars, maybe that will get them to trust us better!”

Jeebus, the disconnect in this country is terrifying.

Didn’t expect to see so many people sticking up for the police on this one. The Punisher doesn’t care about the law. He cares about revenge and murdering criminals. There’s never any evidence, trial by peers, judge or anything similiar involved with the Punisher. If Frank Castle were a real human, having murdered

Just have to go with the second choice.

God fucking damnit... These chucklefucks. And cops wonder why people might not trust them all that much.

I am not part of any of those sites! :D Why would you have a Pirates Bay account? I mean wouldn’t that make it easier to trace/track you down for illegal downloads? Never made much sense to me. It would be like if there was a pedophile site online and you had an account at it like “JohnSmithNevada” or something.

So, if I run a site that has been configured to use Cloudflare, how concerned should I be? It’s a very low use site (10's of users, not even 100's — and usually only a couple of times per month each). Should my users be concerned only if they were active during the affected window? Did it give someone access to

Pornhub accounts: Opinions are like assholes, but you’ll never get to see an opinion quite this up close.

I keep telling you, we’re not friends. Acquaintances at best. But yeah, let me know what you find out.

I thought all the readers of this site deleted the UBER App.

what do you need an Pornhub account for?

First I laughed at then I saw your comment. Thank you for making everyone in the office now think I’m insane for laughing so loudly.

Any particular reason that hardsextube is the only one hyperlinked? Not that I’m complaining.

Bee drones?