
The “Violet Underground” is the name of my band that performs Prince song covers in the style of the Velvet Underground.

Good Omens was decent, but not great. One of the big issues was that McDormand’s narration was so leaden and not emotionally on point that I doubt she read the book before recording it.  (Maybe she did, but the narration really just comes across like she was reading the lines in isolation without any larger context

The controversy was in having Leia — who has never been depicted in the films as having Force powers beyond an empathetic bond with Luke — do it, combined with the rather cheesy way it was filmed.

Can’t imagine what you mean, he didn’t say a word about Rogue One.

when is HBO going to realize that seasons shorter than 10 just allows no time for a story to breathe

The picture certainly has a weird look to it. As shown in the featurettes for the first film, they went to a lot of trouble to accurately produce the WWI group photo, so the amateurish nature of this picture seems to point to something unusual about it.

The first still is actually from Ghostbusters 2, but I agree with your overall point.

What does Sorayama have anything to do with whether Star Wars stories contain sexuality?

The nuTrek films with Sulu (over George Takei’s objections).

In short you just stick a character in there, make them lgbt+ and actually present it there in the source.

Having a character that conforms to your sexual orientation appear in a specific film franchise is not a “humanitarian situation,” nor is it a “need” of anyone’s life, let alone millions.

It would be helpful if you actually wrote some text to go along with that motion sickness-inducing GIF.

Needs more stars!

Absolute perfection!

I see what you did there....

Were you expecting anything better when they practically put a gun to J.J.’s head to get him back to write and direct this thing?

List Harder? Or Listier?

We riot!

Not sure how I missed that when it originally happened!