
His point is that the implicit premise of federal immunity for providers of “interactive computer services” for a variety of things is that they are supposedly only providing a platform for third parties and shouldn’t be held responsible for the content of the platform as long as they remove illegal or intellectual

What is this image from?  It looks familiar, but I can’t place it.

Yeah, I was curious about that one too.  It’s not like this lake is thousands of feet deep and they need to get special deep sea diving gear to go retrieve things from it.

a number that actually convinced the International Union for Conservation of Nature to recently move narwhals from the status of “nearly threatened” to “least concern.”

two-thirds of Democratic voters feel it should be our nation’s top priority

+1 for a reboot. Start the story in the 1920s and you can have the rise of Nazi-driven occultism through the Second World War as a running plot thread all the way for a 12 to 18 year-long franchise.

Thankfully, as Hublin explained to Gizmodo, a layer of carbonite crust on the mandible allowed his team to date the fossil, which means they might be able to link it with a particular stratigraphic layer.

The takeaway here, mentioned in the GIF caption but not emphasized, is that the asteroid will pass at about the distance of our synchronous satellites. So, unluckyviewers of 2029 could lose their DirecTV!

all I could think was, “man, I would rather watch that movie instead of Biohazard.”

Now playing

That “money shot” of all the women assembled screamed “PANDERING” to me.

Hot take: All sports involve completely arbitrary line-drawing with regard to their rules — there are no objectively correct rules for a given sport that can be deduced through scientific testing, nor is there some platonic form of a given sport that can be reasoned out — thus this standard is just one more

On one hand, yes, we should have gay actors playing gay characters: it’s already hard enough for queer actors to find roles at all

Someone claimed upthread that the pronouns weren’t altered in the Chinese version.

Now playing

Sam and Bucky would make for a cute couple.

Uh huh, sure, an accident. I believe it, really.

I’m holding out for a line of Designing Women action figures!  

GDT has so many irons in the fire

I’m calling dibs on “Liquid Xenon” as the name for my Juno Reactor tribute band and also dibs on “Two-Neutrino Double Electron Capture” for the title of our debut album.

I hope they’re using part of the reshoot money to also CGI some better looking hair onto Daisy Ridley, because that wig looks absolutely ridiculous.

You don’t think Luke would have had the opportunity and interest to review media coverage and/or intelligence briefings with images of Vader during the 2+ years between ANH and TESB?