
But saying, “Sorry, I invited my mom to dinner.” ??? That just makes no sense at all.

But what about Orange Vanilla Coke?

The free publicity for being the first to do this would almost certainly be vastly greater than the cost of doing it, so ROI isn’t really directly applicable. Measuring ROI is really more of an issue for successive uses where there wouldn’t be meaningful third-party media coverage of it.

Uh, I never thought Uber didn’t compete with public transportation, nor do I understand why anyone would be upset one way or another about that. Any form of transportation within a metropolitan area — even your own feet — competes with public transportation to some degree.  Should people be upset with me because I

You think JJ Abrams is going to take you to the forest moon of Endor and not give you Ewoks?

Not to mention that was never actually a thing in general. Other than the Skywalkers, none of the Force users in the films were part of some “magical dynastic lineage.” 

Given that he’s got 56 stars as of this comment, it seems like he’s doing something right!

I didn’t hate the ending of OB, but the story was wrapped up way too neatly, especially with leaving Helena and Rachel both alive.

Except, of course, that (a) McNeal is an American, (b) “nappy” is used as a slang term in the US to refer to the hair texture of black people (and McNeal appears to be black or biracial), and (c) the accusations here involve teenagers, not babies or toddlers.

Skipping the Hulk film doesn’t help much with sleep/recovery given that it’s only the second movie in the series.

Fantastic 4 and all but one Spider-Man movie (Spider-Man: Homecoming) won’t be part of this since they aren’t part of the MCU.

Don’t apologize for his cultural illiteracy.  He should have been able to figure it out from context alone.

It might even be more epic than the famous TGIFriday’s endless appetizers piece!

As bad as Iron Man 2 was, I still kind of love the fact that there’s the whole subplot about Whiplash’s pet bird for no other reason than that Mickey Rourke said he wanted the character to have a pet bird.

focus on the three-way Kara-Lena-Alex

As a parent of small children that sounds like a feature rather than a bug.

The real pro-tip is to just turn off the heated dry feature altogether unless you live in a really humid environment. It’s a big energy hog, can damage plasticware, and usually doesn’t get the contents fully dry anyway, so you still need to either let them sit or manually dry them.

I’m tempted to check that by Googling, but I can’t think of a work safe search string to find it....

That was a thing with Captain Marvel, Jr. for a while (he had to say “Captain Marvel” to transform), so decided to publicly refer to himself as “CM3” to get around it.

Hopefully someone in the ME’s office jacked off over it one last time while she was on the slab, because what a waste!