
And perhaps just what is Phil needs to bring some disgruntled fans back into the fold.

To paraphrase an old Seinfeld line, “You know, in China they’re just ‘towns,’ right?

But saying, “Sorry, I invited my mom to dinner.” ??? That just makes no sense at all.


During the experiment they continually broadcast audio of a grad student reading the U.S. tax code in a monotone voice to make sure consciousness was never at risk of returning.

What is this from?

Starred for the snow globe reference, but there’s no way that even JJ Abrams is going to make Rey Luke’s biological kid at this point.

I had the same reaction (I could’ve sworn we saw the bloody blade projecting out of Coulson’s chest), but the couple of YouTube vids of Coulson’s death scene that I just checked match up with the GIF....

But what about Orange Vanilla Coke?

The free publicity for being the first to do this would almost certainly be vastly greater than the cost of doing it, so ROI isn’t really directly applicable. Measuring ROI is really more of an issue for successive uses where there wouldn’t be meaningful third-party media coverage of it.

TPM is better than its reputation and TLJ is much worse than io9 is willing to institutionally admit, but sorry, TLJ is still actually a better film on the strength of its acting and direction even if TPM is better written and has a better plot.

Gah, that should be “is Palpatine’s.”  Sheesh, I can’t type to save my life these days.

The cackling laughter at the end if Palpatine’s. (And Ian McDiarmid was on the Episode IX panel, so that’s not speculation either.)

You think JJ Abrams is taking you to the forest moon of Endor and you’re not getting Ewoks?

rule number 1 of making movies and tv shows: DONT BRING IN TIME TRAVEL!!!

In particular, since there’s no chance in hell than Abrams has been following any of the new expanded universe stuff, it would be tantamount to giving the LFL story group assistant writer/director status for the film, which I can’t believe would be allowed to happen.

Does everyone? Excessive use of time travel stories in Star Trek is a major contributing factor to why I don’t follow the franchise any more.

But if they try to pull in time-travel via the Force, I fear they will seriously jump the shark in a lot of people’s eyes and it could be massively detrimental to the series as a whole.

What is up with all the Bill Burr fans? This is someone I’ve literally never heard of and, when I checked his filmography, I’ve never seen anything that he’s been in and it doesn’t seem to be particularly impressive in the abstract either.

Allegedly!  (Sadly the image won’t embed.)