
Uh, I never thought Uber didn’t compete with public transportation, nor do I understand why anyone would be upset one way or another about that. Any form of transportation within a metropolitan area — even your own feet — competes with public transportation to some degree.  Should people be upset with me because I

I just saw it: he has a little harness with a flashing light, so, basically, yes he does.

You think JJ Abrams is going to take you to the forest moon of Endor and not give you Ewoks?

Not to mention that was never actually a thing in general. Other than the Skywalkers, none of the Force users in the films were part of some “magical dynastic lineage.” 

There isn’t “another” one.  You’re seeing wreckage of one of the previous ones.

Not unless JJ is really massively retconning things.  There are a official books that peg their ages as being something close to ten years apart, IIRC.

I was surprised no one had mentioned that Daisy Ridley lost weight. (Not that I thought she needed to, but when I saw how thin her arms were in this, I immediately recalled some of the absurd criticisms of her weight in TLJ.)

the motherfucking Vong will show up, teeing up the Fourth Trilogy.....

I’m pretty sure that even JJ wouldn’t try to retcon Rey into being Luke’s actual biological daughter. If she’s related to him in some way, I’m going with gender swapped clone.

It wouldn’t be the first time:

If it’s Yavin 4, it could relate to the Massassi temples there.  If it’s Endor, it could relate to the Emperor and Vader’s deaths having happened there.

I’m pretty sure cardboard takes a very, very long time to decay in a modern landfill.

I’m fine with Amazon trying to adopt a zero-emissions policy, but it seems ridiculous to oppose automation in the oil and gas industry as part of that — hydrocarbons are still going to be needed for certain types of plastics manufacturing, fertilizers, etc. even if we convert every last electrical generating plant to

Given that he’s got 56 stars as of this comment, it seems like he’s doing something right!

I’d be curious to know what the basis for the lawsuits was.  Violation of U.S. anti-Israel boycott laws?

Crazy theory number three: A long time ago, an unusually tiny person (is it ok to say ‘deformity’?) was cast out of their tribe and was forced to find shelter in a cave.

I didn’t hate the ending of OB, but the story was wrapped up way too neatly, especially with leaving Helena and Rachel both alive.

So, how many crows are going to need to be slaughtered to feed the people around here who spent the last year and half claiming that either (a) Abrams and Johnson really did have a plan with regard to how TFA and TLJ fit together or (b) having a complete disconnect between the writers and directors of each installment

How dare you bring facts into this discussion!

that argument is pretty flawed...actors, even good, successful ones, do things all the time that make them look like trash