
It might even be more epic than the famous TGIFriday’s endless appetizers piece!

As bad as Iron Man 2 was, I still kind of love the fact that there’s the whole subplot about Whiplash’s pet bird for no other reason than that Mickey Rourke said he wanted the character to have a pet bird.

The run time is John Harrison you’re saying?

Weird like pluralizing “Russo” by putting an s” at the end?


The MCU is noticeably deficient in Hostess Fruit Pies content!


I’m not sure what title the character held offhand, but Phaldut Sharma played “Shariff.” He’s a British national, but of South-Asian ancestry, albeit by way of Guyana!  

Given that the greater weight of evidence is that syphilis originated in the New World, we can rule that one out pretty definitively.

focus on the three-way Kara-Lena-Alex

I favor congestion pricing and more spending on mass transit, but I’m opposed to making it into a progressive taxation scheme. If the genuine concern is protecting the environment, hit all users the same.

As a parent of small children that sounds like a feature rather than a bug.

You’re exactly correct about the children — identical twins don’t produce completely identical sperm or eggs to each other (and even if they did, there are still hundreds of thousands of eggs in a woman’s ovaries that are potentially available for release and millions of sperm in each individual ejaculation, so it

The real pro-tip is to just turn off the heated dry feature altogether unless you live in a really humid environment. It’s a big energy hog, can damage plasticware, and usually doesn’t get the contents fully dry anyway, so you still need to either let them sit or manually dry them.

Yes, I’m not going to knock the overall movie, but the attempt to give a “realistic” grounding to the Tethereds’ origin was poorly thought out because it just creates a lot of questions that distract from the main story. Leaving it unexplained or making it expressly supernatural (see

I’m tempted to check that by Googling, but I can’t think of a work safe search string to find it....

That was a thing with Captain Marvel, Jr. for a while (he had to say “Captain Marvel” to transform), so decided to publicly refer to himself as “CM3” to get around it.

Search your feelings -- you know J.J. Abrams is capable of thinking it would be clever to do exactly that.

If Costner had been able to do a semi-competent English accent, I suspect there would have been a lot fewer complaints. See, e.g., Errol Flynn (who wasn’t English, but spent most of his career playing English characters to great acclaim.)